Feb 13, 2005 01:48
if youve ever gotten
PAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! i just fell of the chair loling.
kay..as i was saying, if youve ever gotten hurt in a relationship, then its kinda like them leaving a scar right? like a scar on your heart. (metaphorically speaking) well yahh, i think its much like that, so i was thinking...
i was reading the back of gingers shirt and it says "SCARS ARE TATTOOS FOR THE BRAVE".
for me, that made me think...
if you arnt afraid to take risks, then you just might end up with a scar. those scars are then tattoos...showing that your not afraid to try new things. ya know? that leads to my point >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
you shouldnt ever be afraid to take a risk. if you have scars on your heart, then you should definatly be brave, and....gosh this sucks...i odnt know how to put what im thinking into words. this always happens...
but ok, think about that little quote.
"scars are tattoos for the brave"
if you think about that in a relationship situation, then youd compleatly understand. i do...and thats cause im kinda slow haha jk. but like..i actually stopped to think about it and i came to that thought...so maybe you will too now that iv brought it to your attention.
basically, what im saying it means, is that you shouldnt be afraid to get hurt again. be brave. take chances. take risks. if it dosnt work, then its not like it was ever meant to be in the first place.
theres lots of fish in the sea. there are so many to catch...and when you do catch one, it might not be the right one...not quite the one that your looking for...so you throw it right back for somebody else to find. somebody else that is looking for that sort of fish.
but you know what. if that fish is the one...and you didnt like it at first...but it comes back again...then maybe, just maybe youll grow to like it. maybe just mabey youll grow to love it. who knows. nobody knows...but you and the fish.
do you guys get what im saying???? i know that it makes so much sence to me and right now im thinking "just let things happen. dont try to make them happen. you should let things work. dont try to make them work."
there was a recent time when i was letting things that felt right happen. like with eric. i took a chance with him...and i dont regret one minute of it. you see like...with somebody like ruben or something, i think hes really badass but i dont like him so i would never consider dating him or anything...so im not saying that if you get along with somebody then date them, im saying if you like them..if you have feelings for a person and things feel right, then take the chance. dont be scared that your going to like them too much and then in the end possibly get hurt. you cant be afraid.
theres guys that i like...that things feel right with...that i can totally be with all the time. there are 2 guys that i can think of right now that i feel this way about, and if possible..i would take the chance of dating any one of them i would take the risk of trying to be with them to see if things would work. i wouldnt be afraid to get hurt, cause i know that in the end their a fucking awesome person.
then theres guys that i think are just so gorgeous and would only date cause their drop dead gorgeous...i know that it would never work with me and a boy like that in the end. so guys, im sorry. if i think your really hot, then dont get the idea that me and you would ever work, cause im telling you right now it wouldnt. im more of the "i get to know you and your personality makes you really attractive" kinda girl. trust me...so the onllyyyy way that i would like you is if we talked alot. if we hung out alot. if we could just chill. you know what i mean? i can think of like...4 boys like that right now. haha, im such a bitchh :P but their totally fine.
then theres guys that i think are just fucking awesome, but then theres that line that you draw. the border that makes them friends...but really badass friends. like..you wanna like them, but you cant cause their your friends and just your friends. there are numerous boys like this...haha, but they all fucking rock. i can tell them anything. its cool.
gosh i wish oyu guys were inside my head. i want you to understand everyword that im trying to say.
ok anyways....you guys are probably really confused right now. i know i am...but i just really had to write that cause gingers shirt made me literally sit there for like 10 minutes, and just think about so much. [pretty much about everything i just wrote] but yahh..im gunna get going already. im fudging tired and its 2 in the morning :| :| bye.