Aug 07, 2004 12:32
Series one
xx Birthplace:Cabell
xx Current Location: Huntington
xx Eye Color: Sky Blue
xx Hair Color: i'm a Blonde
xx Righty or Lefty: Righty
xx Zodiac Sign: iunno... Sagittarius i think
xx Innie or Outtie: Innie
Series two - describe
xx Your heritage: heck if i know some indian n stuff lol
xx The shoes you wore today: none so far...
xx Your eyes: B E A utiful.... lol
xx Your hair: blonde in straight or curly or whatever i want it to be...
xx Your weakness: ummmmm..... not saying
xx Your perfect pizza: iunno
Series three - what is
xx Your most overused phrase on aim/aol: LoL or i love you david...
xx Your thoughts first waking up: what happened lol.. j.k.
xx The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: build n personality
xx Your bedtime on school days - 11:30 or whenever i feel like it...
xx Your greatest accomplishment: Not breaking a bone this summer
Series four - you prefer
xx Pepsi or coke: Coke
xx McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey Dee's
xx Single or group dates: Single... i like being alone
xx Adidas or Nike: Bothe
xx Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
xx Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
xx boxers or briefs: boxers
Series five - do you
xx Smoke: did
xx Cuss: a lil
xx Take a shower everyday: DUH!
xx Have a crush(es): my baby
xx Do you think you've been in love:yea and i am now...
xx Want to go to college: yepp
xx Want to get married: yepp
xx Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: actually yes
xx Believe in yourself: a lil
xx Think you're attractive: truthfully not really but other people tell me i am
xx Get along with your parents: yea mom can be harder sometimes dad... too
xx Like thunderstorms: LOVE THEM!!
xx Play an instrument: no i am not cool enough
Series six - in the past month, did/have you
xx Drank alcohol: yea
xx Made Out: yea
xx Go on a date:yea
xx Been in love: yes!!!
xx Gone skinny dipping: ..... haha no i wanted to though... does that count
Series seven - have you ever
xx Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
Been called a tease: yes
Series eight - the future
xx Age you hope to be married: whenever ...
xx Number of Children: 3
xx Describe your Dream Wedding: a church wedding very traditional
xx How do you want to die: knowing i did my best at life
xx What do you want to be when you grow up: iunno i wanna be a KIDS DOC! lol
xx What country/continent would you most like to visit: Aussie or Mexico here i come
Series nine - opposite sex
xx Best eye color: david eyes are amazing... ughh the awesome!!! his... lol
xx Best hair color: brown
xx Short or long hair: depends on the boy
xx Best weight: iunno don't totally matter i ani't superficial...
xx Best first kiss location: on my back swing trying not to let my rents see us... in feeling like i could fly.... hummmm i miss.... it sooo... much....