Horray for the play

Mar 05, 2011 20:45

Just when I was starting to get bored, something really good came up! Yesterday me and vicky_v  went to see Our Private Life starring the ridiculously adorable actor Colin Morgan. I'm glad she knew about the play and got us tickets.
I wanted to use the oppertunity of being in London to find shoes for my cosplay outfit, because they seemed impossible to find. So after meeting at the station, we went to Oxford street. We trawled up and down the street for a few hours and found a few close matches but everything was either too expensive, not in my size or not quite right. I was tierd and about to give up when Vicky suggested we go in River Island and ta-dah, I found them! Mission accomplished! I also got an adorable new bag which I am in love with. It looks kind of like the schoolbags that Japanese girls have in manga. I'm glad they started selling them. I also got a Kiss CD. Linkara's latest video made me want to listen to Kiss.
After that, we went to our hotel. Our room was really nice. I didn't really want to do anything other than rest so we just chillaxed and I think I fell asleep for a little bit.
Then the time finally came! We grabbed a very quick dinner then headed to the theatre. The performance was in a very small theatre with a smallish stage. Yet the auditorium was completely full and the first few rows seemed to be full of fangirls.
It's so wonderful watching your favourite actor performing right in front of your very eyes. So much better than watching them on a screen. My very first impression was 'he looks older.' His hair was longer and he had facial hair. That'll all be chopped off in a few weeks time when filming starts again. My second impression was 'he's doing the Matt Smith look.'
I only knew a little bit about the play before I went. I was expecting drama of course, but it was incredibly weird to see Colin Morgan, star of a popular family show and hero to 6 year olds everywhere, saying lines such as 'I had a dream where I was making love to dad in a prison cell.'
The play was about Colin's character, Carlos, suffering severe paranoia because he believed that his father had abused him and his brother Sergio when they were children. The father was also being accused of raping a boy from the village.
Even so, it had some incredibly funny parts. And some incredibly sad and harrowing parts. Often at the exact same time and you didn't know whether to laugh or feel shocked. Damn, I wish I could write as well as that!
It was very strange seeing Colin having a huge panic attack then trying to kill himself with a butter knife. I noticed a couple of things during the play. Like how his legs are very skinny. His costumes on Merlin must be pretty loose. Also, under the stage lights his hair looked very dark brown instead of black.
Even though we only went to see Colin, all the actors were just fantastic. Particularly the one who played Joaquin, the kid who the father may or may not have raped. He must have been about 15 but oh dear god was he talented! He's going to be so famous!
Afterwards, we waited outside the stage door with a whole bunch of other fans hoping to meet him. We weren't too lucky in that regard. I heard that his family were visiting the performance that night. They live in Northern Island so he probably doesn't get to see them that often so I understand. It might also be because there were autograph hunters hanging out there. Vicky told me that they've been there every night and they try to get him to sign stuff so they can sell it on E-Bay without permission. Asking him to sign a programme is one thing, but they're blatently stalking him just to make money. Shame on them!!
It wasn't a total waste though. One actor, Adrian Schiller who played the psychiatrist and was hilarious, came out for a cig and he signed our programmes. I was very nervous but I squeaked out 'Your performance was wonderful' and he said (with a cig in his mouth) 'Thank you.' I'm so happy about that. I like to tell people that I admire their work or talent. Maybe it's because my boyfriend is an aspiring actor and goes on and on about talented actors. I may not have heard of him before but I'm a fan of his now!
We waited for a while and got very cold. I made the mistake of wearing only a skirt and tights. Eventually we decided 'We love you Colin, but not enough to die!' So we retreated back to our warm hotel room and warmed up with some tea.
Today I decided to go see the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens, as I'd been wanting to see it for a while. So I went and Vicky came with me, as she still had some time to spare. The statue was very interesting. All around it were carvings of mice and fairies and bunnies and squirrels.
After that we wandered around the park for a while and saw some interesting things. Then sadly it was time to part ways since Vicky had to work this evening (is probably working right now.)
So that's my report of the day! If I'm free, my next adventure should be in the beginning of April, where I may be able to visit my sister in Portsmouth.

cosplay, adventures, fandom, colin morgan

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