Another silly story

Apr 30, 2010 17:07

Is this becoming a blog for my random silly stories?
So, I have a cheap little external tv aerial which until the digital switchover gave me barely any signal at all. I have to put it outside to get a decent signal. Today I forgot it was out there when I went out and when I got back, it was gone! This threw me a bit, until I stuck my head out the window and saw it lying in the neighbour's yard. With the rain falling down on it, it looked so sad, like it had commited suicide! Was it mad at me for leaving it out in the rain?
Anyway, I went downstairs and creapt quickly and carefully into the neighbour's yard to retrieve it. It was very wet. I dried if off and heard a rattling sound coming from inside the base. I was worried but it seems to be working fine. In fact, I think the signal is a little better! But from now on I won't leave it out in the rain.
On tuesday I have two pieces of coursework to hand in, one of epic importance! Then another essay on friday. Ugh, I don't even want to think about that stupid essay. I won't even start about the damn teacher.
It's stressful, but I'm pretty much done. Just gotta tidy everything up. The essay isn't as finished but quite frankly I don't care.
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