Back to school

Jan 04, 2010 10:35

Yay, I've gone back to high school!! But just for one day (or maybe two, I might want to visit tomorrow too.) I'm visiting Joonas' high school! It's an international high school so they speak english and compared to my old school it's very small, but then again my old school was pretty big. But other than that, it's no different than a British sixth form college.
Well there is one difference - It starts at 8am!! We've been sleeping in all this time and today we had to get up at 6:30. I'm still pretty knackered.
The other big difference is that Finland seems to have a lot of goths. My thoery is that it's so cold that they want to wear more black! Or maybe the lack of sunshine makes them miserable. Seriously, it's just gone 10 and the sun's only just come up! And it'll be dark again by 3! It's giving me severe winter depression.
I just sat through a biology class. I had no idea what was going on, even if it was in english but oh the nostalgia!! Joonas' classmates don't seem half bad but they should talk to him more! And I'm constantly paranoid that finnish women are more beautiful than us british woman. But I have nothing to worry about, right? And after all I am practially lusting after the Merlin cast.
Right now he has a Finnish lesson and I thought I shouldn't go since his teacher is mad about him speaking so much english and not enough Finnish, even if he is moving to england soon. So I'm in the computer room right now. I look young for my age so I can pass for a high schooler. Bad news is this pc doesn't like my memory stick, and most of my work I'll have to do in Bath. I hope I can get it all done in time. But anyway, that's why I'm bumming around on here instead of working.
Please God of Finland, let me finish my essay on time! And let it be half decent! And give me some bloody sun!!

school, joonas, finland

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