Umm yeah...
I'm updating some pics, I guess, to see if they work over here... Whatever, anyway these are the pictures I uploaded over on GJ for a photography comm,; and I know I dont have any friends here xD but what the hell.
Yeah, me dog Denver. I have another one, Tinkerbell but I don't have any pictures of her yet I guess.
And these are the pictures I used for an competition on the same community. I'm probably going to lose anyway, they're all falling over this girl who's a snob but for some reason she's oh so popular. She's a bit of an arse and a know-it-all. Also the co-mod cuz she's best friends with the mod, so its not like I can do anything about it.
This was just to be sarcastic. Fans are my favorite thing since I live in Texas and my room is always in the direction of the sun which = hottest room all the time.
Yeah my overstuffed bookcase.
And another one of The Deevster. This picture caused some debate. He's an Australian Cattle Dog mix, and someone said he had some heeler in him, then that stuck up girl said heelers and ACDs are the same breed, so are labs and golden retrievers. Blah blah blah, a debate ensues. It's just my friggin' dog.