I'm not in the best of spirits, but then when have I been lately?
A sword, a sword is all I need.
And the darkness. I just wish I could escape like some people can, into some furtive black hole or whatever and just... Get away.
Why is it that the darkness is sometimes more comforting than the light? It wraps around you, it envelopes you, it sheilds you but yet it frightens you.
I just need to run away. Find a room with a comfortable couch, tea, a lock, and just lock myself up with books and journals and never come out.
Although I must say if I lock myself up, my writing probably would decline as I'd get really boring. Unless I luckily go insane, then I'll make for an interesting person. But I doubt it for someone as stable as I am.
What fresh hell, I'm just rambling.