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Driving home from seeing my Grandma yesterday, this song came on. It really made me think. It made me realize how God can turn absolutely nothing into something amazing. It’s weird, because there are so many people I look up to, but I’m realizing that all of them have these same thoughts in their head.
I mean, before God, we all look like the last possible person He would use, but then…it doesn’t seem so farfetched. He turns us into something. Someone we’re meant to be.
It made me think of Joshua. And Paul. And Jeremiah. And Joseph. And…well…everyone, really. No one is worthy of anything God’s got. I mean- Joshua was left to lead an entire nation after Moses. It’s not as though he had any training, but God told him the people would follow him. Not having the training, you would wonder “why me? why not someone who knows what they’re doing?” But God wanted Joshua. Paul tortured Christians, but ended up really building up the church, and taking God’s word so incredibly far.
We’re all seemingly last resorts in our own mind…and in situations, you can’t help but wonder “Why me? I’m not the best choice…I have no idea what I’m doing!” But…that’s how God is. He knows what He’s doing. He knows how things work out. I don’t.
I don’t understand everything, and I know I never will. But I’m content. Always full, but always hungry. Life is good. It really truly is. It’s been good for a while now, and I’m really loving it. That’s not to say that battles haven’t been fought. But..for once…they seem so small. It’s like…get over it, and stay on track. Why ‘get back’ on track, when you can just stay?!
I’ve been pretty reflective lately. And I’m realizing how different everything is. It really is. I haven’t realized how much I’ve changed. And how much I’ve learned about myself. It’s amazing, because a lot of what I learned, wasn’t exactly positive. But…I was happy. I’m oddly excited when I realize something, because some of this stuff is so deep within my subconscious, that it’s news to me, to some degree…and I’m just so…in awe of the fact that simply spending time with Him, in His word would drag that out of me.
I’ve spent hours with Him lately. It’s seriously taken away from my school…but…I know it will get done. I’m so close to being caught up with dP. as well. I don’t know. There’s just a total comfort in all areas of my life. I’m just kind of throwing my hands up, and letting things happen as they should.
I’m learning lots. A lot more than I ever thought possible. I’m growing, I’m changing, I’m dying, but I’m learning how to live. And it’s crazy good. [/gush]
there are new horizons with colors that i’ve never seen
the sky is filled with graces since you have carried me
i felt so far beyond your reach, but you gave everything for me
i was lost but you rescued my life
why in the world did you come after me?
thank you, thank you
words aren’t enough, but for now i can say
thank you, thank you
there is hope rising ’cause you have strength i’ve never seen
and your eyes are shining ’cause you shed tears for me
i was miles from dry land, but you gave everything you had
i can’t understand a love of this kind
why in the world did you come after me?
thank you, thank you
words aren’t enough, but for now i can say
thank you, thank you
i could find other lines that you haven’t heard spoken over and over again
i have tried every way, but i keep landing on that simple phrase
so i’ll keep singing, “thank you”
why in the world did you come after me?
thank you, thank you
words aren’t enough, but for now i can say
thank you, thank you
My Grandma is going to go to a rehab center for like 2 weeks, to learn how to do daily things, instead of just exercising the knee, she’s going to learn how to really…realistically live. So I guess we’re doing Thanksgiving there, and…I’m not sure about the 25th.
It’s strange. When I was at the hospital the day of her surgery, we (my aunt, and 2 uncles, mom and I) went down to the cafeteria…and I realized “I really like my family. I look forward to family get-togethers. I like being with them. I like talking to them.” …yea. Life has changed. Before, it just stressed me out, but I love it now. I realize how lucky I am. I really do have an amazingly blessed life, if I’d just shut up about the few things I don’t have, and realize it. And when I do…it blows me away. Things aren’t perfect…but they’re about as close as I could ask for!
I’ve got some crazy amazing people in my life that I just flat out don’t deserve under any possible circumstances! Granted, I know most of them under rather…odd terms, but…that just makes me even more thankful for them, and makes me even more…awe-struck by the very fact that they are in my life.
It’s not very often that everyone you love, loves you back. I’ve always felt like that nerdy little kid who had a crush on some perfect guy, but he didn’t know she existed..and I’m coming to find, that’s not true at all. Now- granted, I don’t mean it in a romantic way…because that’d be odd, but really…I’m so lucky. And maybe it’s because I don’t spread myself thin- I like having a small little group, but for once in my life, I can say I love people, and they love me back.
Life has indeed changed over the past two years…and it’s not going to stop. ever. And yes. I can safely say that! I am not the same. Life is not the same. Nothing at all is the same as it was 2 years ago. Er…actually…yea…it is
As today is indeed…what? the 17th? haha yea- life was just getting good 2 years ago. But yes…point was made lol.