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This is my new favorite song. It amazes me. It was, oddly enough, the last song on the album I heard. But it was exactly what I needed to hear tonight. Weird how God plans things, and shifts things around like that *sighs* yea. things are amazing.
When all is said and done
Will we still feel pain inside?
Will the stars go away with night?
Sharp smile for the morning light?
It’s like the best dream to have
Where every thing is not so bad
Every tear is so alone
Like God himself is coming home to say
I can do any thing
If you want me here
And I can fix any thing
If you let me near
What are those secrets now?
The church is scared to tell
I’d whisper them all aloud
So you can hear your self
The trees were the first sign
And Jesus blew the clearest sky
The silence came with the brightest eyes
And turned water into wine
The children ran to see
The parents stood in disbelief
And those who knew braced for the ride
Revived its self and came alive to say
I can do any thing if you want me here
And I can fix anything if you let me near
What are those secrets now
The church is scared to tell
I whisper them aloud so you can hear your self
I’m sorry I have to say it but you look like you’re sad
Your smile is gone; I’ve noticed it’s bad
The cure is that you let in a little more love
And I promise you this a little’s enough
God speaks sooo clearly through the most random things. This song just…wow…it was the encouragement I needed…definitely. How amazing is that to hear, and know that it’s true though!?God speaks sooo clearly through the most random things. This song just…wow…it was the encouragement I needed…definitely. How amazing is that to hear, and know that it’s true though!?I think so often I go through my life hoarding things to myself. Focusing strictly on myself. It’s rather odd how a week after the fast, I find myself being even more…stubborn in areas, even areas I thought I was good in before. I’m not quite sure what that’s a result of. Maybe it’s a result of nothing…literally and figuratively.
God speaks sooo clearly through the most random things. This song just…wow…it was the encouragement I needed…definitely. How amazing is that to hear, and know that it’s true though!?I think so often I go through my life hoarding things to myself. Focusing strictly on myself. It’s rather odd how a week after the fast, I find myself being even more…stubborn in areas, even areas I thought I was good in before. I’m not quite sure what that’s a result of. Maybe it’s a result of nothing…literally and figuratively.Gosh…why do I care. Why do I worry, why do I keep things to myself instead of just giving it all away. I hate the fact that I know so much of this, and yet I still don’t always act on it. I suppose by having it pounded into my heart and soul daily, and breaking myself and my ideas on how the world should work and how God should work, even, things will change.
I guess that explains it all. Change requires action. Change itself, just the word, the verb…it explains it. I must change, I must allow God to change me, I must want to change myself, and I must work on changing myself.
As much as I may hate it, faith requires action. It requires me doing something. I mean…yea- I could sit here and be like “yupp…God’s cool…He’s thrown me a hand now and then”…but I don’t want it to be ‘now and then’ I need to realize the blillions of ‘hands’ that are thrown to me every day. And I won’t see His small blessings unless I can clearly see Him first.
And how do I clearly see Him? With action on my part. Through speaking with Him, listening to Him, meeting with Him, reading His word, meditating on that word, and then living it. After that, after I do that, I must return to Him, and worship Him…praise Him for what He’s done for me- past, present, and future. Afterall…He takes action, why shouldn’t I? Would I believe in Him if He didn’t move through my life as He has the past 2 years? I doubt it.
Each day, it begins again. As hard for me as it is to wrap my mind around the fact that yesterday is gone, it is. The success of yesterday- I can’t live off it, and the troubles of yesterday are gone. I really feel that if I can learn to surrender to that fact, things would be much easier. I’m constantly stressing over the fact that I did something, or didn’t do something for that matter, even though I KNOW if I just go to Him, I can move on, and it’s erased. And yet…I harbor it, and it just grows.
And I see that. I truly do. *sighs* human nature maybe? I guess.
I listened a dP. audioblog this morning, remembering how it stuck out. I honestly can’t remember which it was, but it was talking about how God asked Adam where he was. And of course, God knew where Adam was, but Adam didn’t know where he himself was. And that’s so where I am now. I may be doing some things right, and great…yay. But a lot of the stuff I do, I find myself doing it mindlessly.
Like…I so see myself in Adam. At a TOTALLY amazing place with the Lord, and walking around…and with each step he takes, he gets like…a blillionth of an inch farther away from the Lord. And God calls him out and Adam’s like…”woah…how in the world did that happen? Seriously- last time I looked around- I was right by you God…and now…yea…where are You exactly?”
Granted, it’s not that extreme…but…I definitely feel the root of it. I mean, a step or a mile from God, it’s all the same.
So God did that, I’ve had a few small call outs, which I got, and I heard, but didn’t totally grasp. Some of them, I literally sat there and stared at them and was like “yea…it’s good…but ack…not now”…seriously. How annoyingly disgusting is that? yea. But this song…it captured me.
‘I’m sorry I have to say it but you look like you’re sad
Your smile is gone; I’ve noticed it’s bad
The cure is that you let in a little more love
And I promise you this a little’s enough’
It’s almost as though God was like ‘I tried to tell you in other ways, but you know- I’m just gonna come out and say it bluntly, where are you compared to where you were last week? exactly. do something. change it. it doesn’t have to be huge, I promise you, a little is indeed enough…just give me what you have, that’s all I ask.’
I guess I just don’t know what exactly I’m feeling when I say that. What my thoughts and feelings are on what was said. But then again, that really doesn’t matter, truth is truth. Thoughts and feelings don’t change truth. That’s good though. Truth isn’t frustrating…my thoughts and feelings ON truth are frustrating at times…I can only imagine if truth changed because of my thoughts and feelings on it. At least now there’s a stable thing, there’s a target. If truth was constantly changing, it would…well…be constantly changing lol.
I find it interesting that I truly am so sick of my take on things, and how I perceive things, how I see them applying to my life. That’s God’s role. Once again- this all goes full circle into faith requires action. Strong faith at least, any faith that’s worth having. I must surrender completely to it…not parts of me, but all of me…every day.