Katie Is A Badass.

Jul 27, 2010 23:49

Katie Peretti Snyder? She's a total MILF. Just for the record.


So. Why is Katie in a bathing suit top and holding a katana, you (probably don't) ask?

I was working a violent comedy/horror fanfic for ATWT a while back, and in it rather than the people of Oakdale having excessive amounts of money, they had excessive amounts of weapons and were trained in how to use them. I was going to retell Reid Oliver's storyline in this universe, so naturally that included Katie. She was to be a ninja. I never finished it because I'm terrified of writing other people's characters incorrectly. Also, it was going to have illustrations with it, but I suck at drawing guns. And guns were Luke Snyder's weapon of choice, therefore they were a necessity to the story. How do you think weaponsexpert!Luke got DocO to come to Oakdale? I'll give you a hint: the answer isn't blackmail.

Anyway. I hope you like this. Might color it just for funsies, idk.

I <3 comments and crit. This picture belongs to me, so don't repost without permission or anything like that. etc.


lure, art, katie snyder is a milf

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