Friday day saw about two/three hours of sleep but went bowling on Friday night with old work pals Bill, Mickey, Jes and Jaimie anyway. Caught up on work stories (Mickey is a new cafe lead, they actually fired someone from B&N - and from the cafe, no less - I almost died of shock). When we finished our games we decided we wanted to drink more, so we went to a place Bill knew of downtown - my first ever gay bar/club experience! More fun, more drinking, danced for a bit but it was too sweaty in there so we played pool upstairs. And somehow, one gay guy and three straight girls met the only straight guy in the place, who was also playing pool. Go figure. He chatted with Jes (and Bill got jealous, because Bill is an attention whore, bless him XD). Then we had fun getting out of the city (Mickey was driving and was so confused) and decided on a whim to visit friends Kris and Justin at their new house. It is now 2:30-3 am and their house is dark as a dark thing, so we call and knock to no avail. To console ourselves we go to the local diner and then Mickey (who is pretty much the resident DD - she never drinks, doesn't like the taste of beer or liquor and I think is scared to be drunk, as she doesn't know how she'd act) drove everyone home.
Saturday, I slept for almost all of the day. A total glorious waste. Stayed up all night finishing my book list. All the books on the shelves/floor/dressers are now accounted for. The massive Tupperware box in my closet is not ._.
Talked to the aunts on early Sunday morning about the brochure I'm working on for the family pet project. My dad's side is trying to set up a student scholarship in my grandmother's name for college-bound English-majoring students. The only real problem I see with the whole operation is that they want the committee that picks the students and organizes the fund to remain "in the family" somewhat - a problem because my dad's side doesn't have a lot of kids to carry on the project and not a lot of interest from anyone other than my aunts. I know it sounds like a good idea, but honestly? I could give two shits about the whole thing. I don't like the idea of being tied to this project and being a "future president" of the company, because I don't want to stay in the US.
See, this is a huge problem with my personality. If you start telling me of projects or goals that you have, that you want me to help with or continue, I will feel obligated to do so even if I hate it. It's fairly rare that I don't mind helping people, don't get me wrong, but when I feel like I'm being dragged into something I have no interest in? It's why I felt so bad leaving B&N and angsted over it for a whole week. I had no desire of ever being a head cashier, even if it meant getting me onto the book floor, but oh, you tell me you want me to help out and organize things and then I'll start feeling like I've got to do it, if only because you want me to. Ultimately, the only reason why I quit was because I let slip to Bill that I had been thinking about it - I had already resigned myself to the new job. And so for my aunts to be like "this is our grand scheme, and you guys will help carry it!" it makes me want to avoid the whole thing. I just dread this whole thing, but I'll do it and probably continue the damn thing later on, because that's what I do :|
Anyway, the meeting was a total waste of time anyway, because we just went over issues that I had already resolved with my dad a few hours before. Bah. I actually should be doing stuff for it now, but I'm a procrastinator, I can't help it 8D
Didn't go to bed then, because I promised Jes I would go with her to the book fair I had talked about, and so we went to that. Nevermind that I reorganized all my books in counting them and now have absolutely no room on my shelves for books at all. Got there about 3:30ish, spent an hour browsing, bought an armful of books. Went to Quiznos for lunch, Jes got hit on by a guy who was her type (and belatedly realized that telling him where she worked while making small talk was a stupid idea. I'm waiting to hear if he visited her yet XD). Went to the only used bookstore in town (;____;) and bought THE CHRONICLES OF CHRESTOMANCI VOL 2 THAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR FOR AGES FUCK YEAH. And a couple others, but the important one is the Dianna Wynne Jones book 8D 8D 8D
By now it's 6 pm, and the used book fair is opened up for "Whatever-You-Can-Carry-For-Five-Dollars (Second-Round-Two-Dollars)" rush. So Jes and I go back, get one huge armful each of books and go back again for a second huge armful of books.
All told, I spent $70.42. I got...75 books, including an Ellery Queen I didn't have, a couple Doris Lessing (as she's my new literary obsession), quite a lot of history books, Calling on Dragons to complete my collection of Wrede books, four books for my brothers and one for a former co-worker. Given the price of books today (hardback and paperback) I feel 75 books for $70 is quite a deal, really :D I have every intension of reading them all (well, except for the five belonging to other people) I just have no where to put them all D: O.O oh god, what have I done?
Also, I got this mystery called The Dick by Bruce Jay Friedman. I'm well-aware that dick used to be (is?) slang for a private eye, but oh god, the dust jacket flap's description:
In his most comic, serious, ambitious, and outward-looking novel to date, the author of A Mother's Kisses and Stern gives us The Dick! [The exclamation mark should not make me giggle, it should not]
He is scar-bisected [Zoro?!], sensitive [Nope, not Zoro *wipes brow*], massively rib-caged Ken LePeters, ne Sussman, PR impresario for a large, kill-crazy, yet somehow conscience-stricken homicide bureau in the environs of a great cultural center in the East. [Do they mean New York? They should just say New York, but then I guess they'd have to portray it accurately or something]
But LePeters wears the badgette of a demi-dick. [Whaaaat XD] He is hemi-husband to his beautiful broad of a wife, Claire LePeters, unable ever to find her lips, condemned to nights of lipless sex....
Semi-this and demi that, bisected, trisected, sliced like a pie! As he struggles for reunification, the novel rushes to its munificent multi-climax in which our hero must the challenge of his wife's affair with the dazzling Chico (formerly highest kill-count detective at Headquarters and now producer of arty lesbian films) [because going from detective to porn director is so obviously the career change to make];
...determine whether or not to de-integrate his daughter; [random OT but every time I see "whether or not" I'm always reminded of an edit a professor in college left on my paper, telling me to always leave off the "or not" because it's repetitious.]
...close the gap between his LePetersness and his Sussmanitude;
...and decide once and for all whether he is or is not - has been or has not been, will be or will not ever be - [wait for it] the dick!
It just spoke to me, you know? Seemed like such a work of fine American literature. It's from 1970, in case anyone was wondering XD
Lugging all the books into the house was fun o.O Then I stayed up 24 hours and then some, talked to Rae for a bit, and passed out rereading the first Chrestomanci volume, as it's been a few months since I've read it. And then I can go on to the next one! :B 8D
In related news, Sergei Lukyanenko's newest book Last Watch is coming out in July 8D