Jun 23, 2005 00:14
So I realize I've kinda taken myself out of commision these past couple days. (I don't know... I think there was some plan to see a movie tonight or something...)
But I have had the strangest physical symptoms for the past few days, and I've only just realized that I was probably poisoned.
I have this terrible terrible spider bite that I noticed on Tuesday that has just gotten progressively more painful. It doesn't look bad at all; just like a bad mosquito bite. But it hurts. At first it just felt like I'd gotten a Tetanus shot (sour muscles underneath). But now it feels like I got ten shots. My arm aches up to five inches away from the bite and when ever I bend it (the bite is just in the crook at my elbow).
Plus I started getting feverish yesterday and nauseous. Though I didn't conect these two things till today.
What the hell bit me?
And is it still in my bed?
I think I'll go to a doctor tomorrow. But I'm sure they won't tell me anything useful. It doesn't look bad at all.
This shit wouldn't happen to me if I had moose cavalry.