Title: Nile Blue 32/33 (aka The Penultimate Chapter!)
Author: Dria
Rating: PG
Previous Chapters: All previous chapters can be found at
StrawberryWine and by using
the Nile Blue tag at
Summary: Tuti's paranoia and stage-fright goes from bad to worse and Nagayan's attempt at optimism meets an obstacle.
Author's Notes: This is it, the penultimate
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Comments 4
*digs her fingernails into the seat cushion* Ooh, the suspense! ^__^ And I love the bit about 'career suicide.' That's pretty awesome- and suitably dramatic, I think. ^^ I don't know, though-- only one more chapter? I think I'll be a little sad to see it end!
OMG, it's almost over. *chews nails in anticipation*
Poor Tuti though... All through this chapter, I just wanted someone to force Nagayan to go and give him a hug or something. ;__;
Anyway~ *anticipation* I'm really looking forward to the ending... I can't believe that it's been so long, and I really have no idea what will happen! ♥
I really can't believe it's almost over...and that it's been 2 years! Time flies when one is reading the most AMAZING fic EVER.
In a way I REALLY REALLY want to read the next chapter, but in another, I'm kind of hesitant to do so. Because once the next chapter is posted and I've read it, then the wonderful world of NB will be gone...
...Well, I shouldn't say THAT, because I'm sure the fic will always be around for me to read and re-read...*nervous laugh*
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