Happy fangirl news works better than painkillers - FACT!

Feb 12, 2007 07:02

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Keyboard-smash...

A Tenimyu Supporter's DVD for the ORIGINAL CAST!!! Tuti ♥ ♥ ♥

And it's released on Squirt's birthday (April 10th) so... guess who'll be in Japan by then?! later_uk! later_uk! later_uk!! later_uk!!!!!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to go read the announcement all over again *______________________*

Actually, on second thoughts, maybe I do still need those painkillers *whimpers*

Oh and my muses are officially evil. Why? Because they wait until I'm back in full-time employment to throw three million ideas regarding Tremanthia at me! *sulks* Bastards the lot of them >_<; I want to write now! Le Tolrothy's having his naive expectations shattered one by one and the Countess is being so wonderfully powerful and broken and kick-ass and... what is it with me and powerful but flawed female characters? Why are they never, ever sane? The Countess, Lady Loxborough, Regina, Julianna - none of them are ever even remotely normal! Clearly this is the way I like my women - manipulative strong ^_^;

me, health, life, fangirling

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