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Okay so I think Laura-bell already got the message, but for Becs' benefit... I AM A VERY, VERY, VERY HAPPY FANGIRL!
Why? WHY? Because Laura was here overnight (poor dear had to get up before 8am to say goodbye to me before I went to work ;_;) for a flying visit having spent the previous night with Becs while en route to Liverpool and then Sheffield AND SHE BROUGHT ME PRESSIES!!!
The sad fact of the matter is that up until now I've been struggling to get even remotely excited about Christmas, let alone my Birthday. Laura, darling that she is, changed all that ♥
Okay so after Laura had arrived (quarter to seven), and eaten, and we'd talked a lot, we finally got around to the opening of the presents *___*
Now, Laura went to Rome a month or so ago to do a TEFL course. She decided to bring the Collesium back for me
She also got me a 10th division backpack (which I forgot to photograph because it's in the process of being filled up with random crap to take to work tomorrow), a chocolate orange and shinies!
Yes that is the Bleach Saien soundtrack ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ So shiny *___* And FMA volume 7, so I get to hear the funeral in English... not sure whether that's going to make it worse or better... Oh and I was informed that there is some other mysterious thing on its way, I think Laura said it was for my birthday but its apparently still flying on its merry way from Japan so I've got to be patient ^___^
Laura also brought with her my pressies from Becs ♥ And the first thing I opened was....
Ultraman chopsticks, fork and spoon set! *dies*
Becs also got me more pretties *___*
(You can tell I was bored at work today, can't you?)
Gin, Gin, GIN! ♥ And the Saiyuki boys (I've missed them, I really have), and grumpy chibi Byakuya ^___^ Becs had also entrusted Laura with an envelope to give to me. There was a picture inside and on the back was a message reprimanding me for asking for things that don't get shipped until the 20-something of December - in other words, she's got me the Boys Love making of DVD for my birthday ♥
*flails* Thank you both so, so much. Becs, expect to be tackled when I see you at New Year. Laura, take care with the rest of your travelling.
The rest of today, especially once I'd said goodbye to Laura-bell, sucked. The weather was horrible, I felt lousy because I'd had hardly any sleep (heh, not getting to sleep till past midnight + alarm going off before 6am = sleep-deprived Dria) and I had to phone random people from work to inform them that they'd packaged their parcels to us badly and had arrived with holes in >_<;
But... there's only one day left, this week is almost over and when I get home tomorrow night, Squirtle will be here ♥ Saturday I intend to do nothing except watch stuff and fangirl with my darling sister. Sunday is normal service in the morning and candlelight carol service in the evening (at which I will be singing descant a lot) and Monday I'm going to tackle all the outstanding fics for people that haven't been written yet. YAY!