Trying to stop my sister drawing is harder than getting Kime not to sparkle. She also has a habit of playing with my muses (which means I end up being allowed to keep the pictures ^___^) and sometimes she's even good enough to illustrate my stories about them ♥
The original fic behind these wonderful pictures is
over here but this is the
crazy_squirtle version of events ^__^
Also worth sharing for real zOMG-ness are the next four pictures my sister very, very graciously drew for me during my first week of work back at Shoosmiths. They are, in short, my favourite pictures of my muses. EVER! Consequently, the originals grace the wall next to my bed ♥ ♥
I think Yatr wants to join *pnish*...
see what I mean? Next. Regina goes gothic (is it wrong that I want to steal that outfit?)
Kime! Never have I seen her look so tidy (or so much like my sister, all the accessories belong to her)
And Ion. Doing his impression of... I don't know what but he looks way too good doing it.
You'll forgive me if after two and a half months I still can't get over how beautiful those pictures are *glomps
crazy_squirtle* ♥
Eep, new job starts tomorrow! Oh and I'm still
prepared to write whatever you people can suggest, either try and out-weird
pixxers and
butterfly_eli (not easy, I know), or go for something sweet and fluffy in an attempt to preserve what little is left of my sanity like
izzyntsherandom did XD Cause lets face it, I need something to think about if the new job turns out to be boring!