it's August, and I now have a little more than two weeks until training. Have I unpacked from school yet? Nope. So I most certainly have not made any moves in the direction of moving to New Orleans. *sigh* And I still have not finished the book I'm to be reading, Sweet Charity. The articles in the packet they gave us were both informative and interesting, but the book seems daunting. I just can't get into it the same...But, I have no excuse whatsoever, if I can do Harry Potter in a night, there's no reason I can't take a week to finish this. Hahaha.
Updates as far as moving goes: it's 99% sure I'll be at Loyola, so I need to get over my fears of cooking every night in a communal kitchen and white people hair in showers (I thought I was SO done with that...) because it's about to be reality. Ugh. In nicer news, Corey is going to drive down with me and it'll be his birthday weekend so it'll be much fun exploring the city with him...And I got good presents, which makes me happy. =)
In wedding news, my reception woes are over. I found a place close to Agnes that allows me to bring in my own vendors, without any extra charges and is giving me half the space, for half the price. I love it! The Solarium: So now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to decorate it. It has kind of these off/light green walls, so I think I'm going to incorporate that into the color scheme too. [Look at me, stepping outside of the box.] Exciting stuff...And I really think I'm about to do the amazing, challenging thing of planning a nice wedding for $5000. I need to be in a freaking wedding magazine. And, check out my latest work:
That's it, I'm going to unpack. And then, to the mall, tax-free weekend!