April Fools Continued

Apr 03, 2005 12:54

Conversation 5:

EIizabeth384: yo steph

Auto response from Comets22s: Dream is destiny.
~"Waking Life"

Comets22s: hi
Comets22s returned at 12:30:47 PM.
EIizabeth384: what's been going on?
Comets22s: hahaha. a lot, and not much, it really depends. what about you?
EIizabeth384: not too bad
EIizabeth384: i've been playing a lot of tennis recently
EIizabeth384: it's been pretty fun
Comets22s: really? cool
EIizabeth384: but today i got a little too pissed off
EIizabeth384: and threw the raquet at some guy
EIizabeth384: and he had to get stiches or something
Comets22s: are you serious!?
EIizabeth384: well i mean
EIizabeth384: don't get me wrong
EIizabeth384: it's not like he didn't deserve it
EIizabeth384: it was clearly a fault
Comets22s: haha, this does not sound like you at all...
EIizabeth384: i'm sorry...just a little tense today
EIizabeth384: didn't mean to creep you out or anything...
Comets22s: im not creeped out, just skeptical...
EIizabeth384: meh....guess i haven't really been my self recently
EIizabeth384: enough about me then
EIizabeth384: how's chicago?
Comets22s: ...so this seriously is elizabeth, eh?
EIizabeth384: well, yeah
Comets22s: wow. thats intense then. i seriously thought it was one of your friends just fucking with me.
EIizabeth384: haha
EIizabeth384: my friends aren't that clever
Comets22s: hahaha
Comets22s: harsh
EIizabeth384: so what have you been doing then?
Comets22s: hm
Comets22s: a decent bit of partying, a decent bit of studying
EIizabeth384: any knife fighting?
Comets22s: hahaha, no, no nunchuck skills or hacking skills either...
EIizabeth384: well, i'm sure you'll learn it soon
EIizabeth384: isn't it part of chicago's required classes or something?
Comets22s: knife fighting? yeah. but they only give us the little plastic swords that they stick in the sandwiches at the dining hall
EIizabeth384: holy shit
EIizabeth384: how big are we talking here?
Comets22s: sadly, only about 2.5 inches. and they break on impact
EIizabeth384: oh
EIizabeth384: hahah
EIizabeth384: i thought you mean, like, actual sized swords
EIizabeth384: i know what you're talking about
EIizabeth384: yeah, those aren't that deadly
Comets22s: yeah. kinda annoying, in that aspect. whats the point of knife fighting if you cant kill anyone?
EIizabeth384: hmmm
EIizabeth384: mutilation and dominance?
Comets22s: mmm, dominance...
Comets22s: but i mean, if thats your goal, why not handcuffs?
EIizabeth384: good point
EIizabeth384: soon, all of brown will learn to fear the silbermann
EIizabeth384: mwahahah!
EIizabeth384: lo! how they will quake when they hear my approaching footsteps!
Comets22s: hahahaha
Comets22s: this either isnt you or you're on something, lol.
EIizabeth384: well...
EIizabeth384: i mean, it's not THAT early....
Comets22s: its totally in the realm of possibility
EIizabeth384: hahah
EIizabeth384: i woke up with my socks on my hands
EIizabeth384: that's pretty hard to beat
Comets22s: lol, damn
EIizabeth384: i don't know what i was doing
EIizabeth384: but i bet it was pretty awesome
Comets22s: hey, i mean, you were doing it, so of course it was.
EIizabeth384: this is true
Comets22s: im gonna go take a shower
Comets22s: enjoy your day...
EIizabeth384: what?
EIizabeth384: are you avoiding me?
EIizabeth384: that's really cold
EIizabeth384: like, i got chills
Comets22s: well, no, at least in chicago, we have this stuff called running water to make sure that the water isnt cold
Comets22s: because it can pass through a "water heater"
Comets22s: neat stuff, really.
EIizabeth384: okay, now you're just trying to start a fight
EIizabeth384: i will fight you right now
Comets22s: ...with a little plastic sword
EIizabeth384: bare-knuckle boxing
EIizabeth384: or tennis raquet
Comets22s: but you arent allowed to use a tennis racket
EIizabeth384: your choice
EIizabeth384: i use what i want
EIizabeth384: and if i happen to bring my colt 45, well
EIizabeth384: i mean
EIizabeth384: i don't know what to tell you
Comets22s: ...what would you want with a 40 of bad beer? :-)
EIizabeth384: well
EIizabeth384: i mean
EIizabeth384: it'd be all cool
EIizabeth384: and stuff
EIizabeth384: okay, you're going down the next time i see you
EIizabeth384: i'm going to train
EIizabeth384: like, for a month or something
Comets22s: haha, all right. big bad elizabeth, beating up the pacifist... ;-)
EIizabeth384: and i'm going to buy some cougars too
EIizabeth384: they will mess you up
EIizabeth384: believe me
EIizabeth384: roar!
Comets22s: hahahaha
Comets22s: peace
EIizabeth384: bai
EIizabeth384: sometimes i think of myself as a cougar
EIizabeth384: because i'm always pouncing on things
EIizabeth384: and growling
Comets22s: ...hot./
Comets22s: so hot.
Comets22s is away at 12:53:07 PM.

Conversation 6:

EIizabeth384: hey louie
G Monkey Louie: heyhey
G Monkey Louie: how's it goin?
EIizabeth384: what's up?
G Monkey Louie: not much, you?
EIizabeth384: just doing some homework
EIizabeth384: but i'm thinking about not doing it
EIizabeth384: and dropping out or something
G Monkey Louie: why
G Monkey Louie: ?
EIizabeth384: i dunno
EIizabeth384: i just realized that i might want to do something else with my life
EIizabeth384: like, become a zoo keeper or something
G Monkey Louie: phwew... why a zoo keeper?
EIizabeth384: i like animals a lot
EIizabeth384: like to care for them
EIizabeth384: and like to eat them too
EIizabeth384: so i think i get the best of both worlds as a zookeeper
EIizabeth384: you know what i mean?
G Monkey Louie: ahahahahahaa
G Monkey Louie: that's hilarious
G Monkey Louie: one sec
EIizabeth384: what?
EIizabeth384: you're putting me on hold?
EIizabeth384: no one puts me on hold
G Monkey Louie is away at 12:27:55 PM.
EIizabeth384: not even my dad
EIizabeth384: and even when he does it
EIizabeth384: i punch him or something
EIizabeth384: and if you think i'm above punching you in the groin or something
EIizabeth384: you'd be wrong
G Monkey Louie: sorry back
G Monkey Louie: s this Adam Hsu?
G Monkey Louie: this sounds a lot like him
EIizabeth384: haha, what?
G Monkey Louie: thi doesn't sound like normal Liz
EIizabeth384: sorry...just a little more stressed out today
G Monkey Louie returned at 12:33:16 PM.
EIizabeth384: didn't mean to be weird
G Monkey Louie: oh, it's okay
G Monkey Louie: don't worry abou tit
EIizabeth384: enough about me then
EIizabeth384: how's iowa city?
G Monkey Louie: it's amazing
G Monkey Louie: I am enjoying it throughly
EIizabeth384: have any cool adventures or stories to share?
G Monkey Louie: umm, well... a few
G Monkey Louie: there are these two girls who think Ted Krausman is the hottest thing alive
EIizabeth384: have you gotten into any knife fights or anything?
EIizabeth384: haha! that's hilarious!
G Monkey Louie: and they were telling me all about Ted
G Monkey Louie: and I didn't think to ask who he was
G Monkey Louie: I assumed I didn't know him
EIizabeth384: hahah
G Monkey Louie: and suddenly they were like "is Krausman a jewish name?"
G Monkey Louie: and I said, "no, he's not jewish" without even thinking
G Monkey Louie: and we all froze, realizing the implications
G Monkey Louie: (they had been telling me that he was the hottest thing alive for months)
EIizabeth384: implications?
EIizabeth384: were they anti-semites?
G Monkey Louie: I knew him, they knew I knew him
EIizabeth384: oh
EIizabeth384: i see
G Monkey Louie: no, it meant they were going to viciously pump me for information
G Monkey Louie: so I bolted for the door and they grabbed me yelling "tel me everything you know!"
G Monkey Louie: I eventually escaped
EIizabeth384: did you kick then in the ankle?
EIizabeth384: girls hate it when you do that. believe me
EIizabeth384: some guy did that to me the other day
EIizabeth384: i about stabbed him in the eye with a fork
G Monkey Louie signed off at 12:43:07 PM.

Conversation 7 (ended prematurely because I started to feel bad):

EIizabeth384: catherine!
SwoPuck8: wizabef!!!!!!!!!
SwoPuck8: how are ya babe?!?!
EIizabeth384: oh you know
EIizabeth384: still taking the time to perfect the beat
EIizabeth384: and i still got love for the streets
SwoPuck8: fasho.... bring it back beth...i'll bring it back swo...
EIizabeth384: huh?
EIizabeth384: i'm confused
EIizabeth384: what are you talking about?
SwoPuck8: i was trying to rhyme and rap
SwoPuck8: but i didn't accomplish lol
SwoPuck8: you were ghetto-speaking... so i thought i would continue lol
EIizabeth384: wait
EIizabeth384: i was ghetto speaking?
EIizabeth384: when was i doing that?
EIizabeth384: i'm sorry
EIizabeth384: i'm really confused
SwoPuck8: "still taking the time to perfect the beat and i still got love for the streets"
SwoPuck8: that is what you wrote
EIizabeth384: oh, i was being serious
SwoPuck8: it seemed ghettoish
SwoPuck8: hahahahahahahahahahahahah
SwoPuck8: i love you silbermann!
EIizabeth384: i don't get it...are you making fun of me....?
EIizabeth384: why would you do that?
SwoPuck8: no no! oh man...
EIizabeth384: whatev
EIizabeth384: we're cool
EIizabeth384: we'll just settle this with like, an arm-wrestling match or something
EIizabeth384: cuz let me tell you
EIizabeth384: i've been working out
SwoPuck8: yeah...
SwoPuck8: oh yeah??
SwoPuck8: nice
EIizabeth384: i bet i could pick you up over my head
SwoPuck8: are you ripped?
SwoPuck8: hahahahahahhahahaha
EIizabeth384: no doubt
SwoPuck8: sweeeet
SwoPuck8: you've got guns!
EIizabeth384: i broke a chair the other day
EIizabeth384: with a karate chop
EIizabeth384: it was pretty bad-ass
SwoPuck8: awesome!
EIizabeth384: and i kicked the living shit out of my roommate
EIizabeth384: but she deserved it
SwoPuck8: what?!?!?!
SwoPuck8: seriously?
EIizabeth384: don't get me wrong
EIizabeth384: she deserved it
EIizabeth384: she set my clock an hour ahead today
EIizabeth384: so i thought it was an hour later
EIizabeth384: i was freaking out
SwoPuck8: that sucks...
SwoPuck8: my alarm clock didn't go off on tues and my rommate didn't wake me up even though she knew i had to get up
SwoPuck8: i was a lil annoyed
EIizabeth384: what?
EIizabeth384: take a page out of my book
EIizabeth384: and take a ochem text book to her face
EIizabeth384: that'll teach her proper respect!
SwoPuck8: hahahaha put her in her place you ragin azn!
EIizabeth384: wait
EIizabeth384: oh my god
EIizabeth384: is it daylights savings time today??
SwoPuck8: what?
EIizabeth384: were we supposed to lose an hour today?
SwoPuck8: yeah it is
SwoPuck8: should be 2 your time
EIizabeth384: shit
EIizabeth384: i feel sooo awful
EIizabeth384: i kicked the crap out of my roommate for no reason
EIizabeth384: oh my god
SwoPuck8: hahahahhaha i still love you
EIizabeth384: i hope she doesn't press charges or something
EIizabeth384: i really don't want to get kicked out of housing
SwoPuck8: are you serious? wouls she really do that?
EIizabeth384: well i don't know
EIizabeth384: i think i only broke a few of her nails
EIizabeth384: maybe a finger or two
EIizabeth384: i don't really remember
EIizabeth384: it was all kinda hazy
SwoPuck8: were you drunk?
EIizabeth384: no
EIizabeth384: i don't think so
EIizabeth384: just pissed off
SwoPuck8: ahhhh yeah
EIizabeth384: oh man
EIizabeth384: i really need to take this bat out of my room
EIizabeth384: everytime i've used it
EIizabeth384: just ends up with bad results
SwoPuck8: hahahahahahahahahahaha
SwoPuck8: there is an idea
SwoPuck8: i haven't talked iwth purd in a while
SwoPuck8: how is she?
EIizabeth384: probably not beating up her roommate, i'll tell you that much
SwoPuck8: hahahahaha
EIizabeth384: so how is isu?
SwoPuck8: i think i am going to get a cell phone so i will give you the number when i get it! :-)
SwoPuck8: wonderful... really good
SwoPuck8: now that hockey is over i am partying too much... good thing i have a heavy class load to keep me studying lol
EIizabeth384: stay away from lsd
EIizabeth384: it fucks you up
SwoPuck8: omg elizabeth!
SwoPuck8: you did it?!
EIizabeth384: well
SwoPuck8: hahahahahha
EIizabeth384: things happen
SwoPuck8: i know i know
EIizabeth384: just be glad i didn't partake of any of the crack
SwoPuck8: that is good
SwoPuck8: lsd... i have always wanted to know how it is to hallucinate
SwoPuck8: so i understand completely
SwoPuck8: but i am thinking maybe absinth would be better to try if i want to know
SwoPuck8: lsd eats at your spine
EIizabeth384: wait
SwoPuck8: was it a happy hallucination?
EIizabeth384: it eats at your spine?
SwoPuck8: yeah...
EIizabeth384: like a parasite?
SwoPuck8: just a lil
SwoPuck8: you don't have anything to worry about
EIizabeth384: holy crap!
SwoPuck8: but don't do a lot of it
EIizabeth384: i need a new spine
SwoPuck8: yeah it is a rough rough drug
EIizabeth384: and quick
SwoPuck8: hahahahaha
SwoPuck8: i dunno maybe stick to shrooms and pot
EIizabeth384: do they do spine transplants anymore?
SwoPuck8: natural
SwoPuck8: hahahahaha
SwoPuck8: you have had that much?
EIizabeth384: uh
EIizabeth384: well
EIizabeth384: just answer the question
EIizabeth384: do they still do spine transplants?
EIizabeth384: no...?
SwoPuck8: hahahaah
SwoPuck8: i don't think so
SwoPuck8: but i am not sure
SwoPuck8: so what is the hallucination like?
EIizabeth384: i didn't actually hallucinate
EIizabeth384: but i did grow like two feet
EIizabeth384: and i think i changed into a cougar or something
EIizabeth384: but it was totally real
SwoPuck8: holy shit
SwoPuck8: was it a good feeling?
SwoPuck8: did youlike it?
EIizabeth384: i was feline fine!
SwoPuck8: sweeeet!
EIizabeth384: hahah
EIizabeth384: catty swo
EIizabeth384: i have a confession to make
SwoPuck8: wizabef
SwoPuck8: go on babe
EIizabeth384: this isn't really elizabeth
EIizabeth384: i'm sorry!
SwoPuck8: lol thought it was weird but didn't want to ask
EIizabeth384: hahaha
SwoPuck8: who am i talking with?
EIizabeth384: adam
SwoPuck8: hahahahaha how the hell are you?
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