#628 - 632 - Lichenised Fungi

Dec 16, 2014 17:50

#628 - Cladia sp. - Coral Lichen

A rather extraordinary lichen I saw growing on Sullivan Rock. It forms large hyberbolic fractal nets resembling piles of snow, in the middle of moss beds on the granite.

#629 - Usnea sp. - Beard Lichen

A fruticose lichen growing as bunches of branching filaments - quite often on dead or dying trees, but only because they get more light that way. The genus is world-wide, and diverse (although the number is decreasing as some ‘species’ turn out to be morphological types). Common names include 'tree moss', and Old Man’s Beard.

Very vulnerable to sulphur dioxide pollution, and slow-growing.

Some species have been used to make orange, yellow, green, blue and purple dyes, which is a pretty impressive sort of colour range.

Wandi, Perth

#630 - Xanthoparmelia Lichen

A grey-green lichenised fungus - there’s over 750 species in the genus, and 300 in Australia alone, but this one forms large crusts on tree-trunks, distinguished by the very large closely packed apothecia.The genus also grows on rock, roofing tiles, bitumen, glass, and metal.

Xanthoparmelia is very prominent in inland Australia, where some species dry up, curl up, roll away in the breeze, and unfurl again with the next rain. These are called Vagrant Lichens.

(By an amusing coincidence, one of the suburbs adjacent to mine is Parmelia, another lichen genus. The suburb was named after a ship of local historical import, however)

Baldivis, Perth

#631 - Teloschistaceae family - Golden Lichens

A family of usually bright yellow, orange, or red lichenised fungi, often with even brighter apothecia. This one, for example, that was growing profusion on bare branches in a Mandurah golf course, seems similar to Teloschistes chrysophthalmus, the Gold Eye Lichen.

Other lichens in the family include the Orange Wall Lichen, or Sunburst Lichens.

#632 - Cladonia Lichen?

Not sure on this one, but since so many lichen Ids depend on microscopic or chemical testing, that is perhaps not surprising.

On a tree trunk in Baldivis, Perth.

funguuz, pluunts, education even if you don't want it

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