The Marvel Movie With The Machine-gun Toting Raccoon

May 04, 2014 12:20

Desiree has been fangirling over Captain America - The Winter Soldier hard :) She saw the movie for the third time the other evening. Indeed, she's got a tumblr now that is all Cap/Winter Soldier OTP

So you can imagine how much she squealed when we went to our local comic store yesterday for Free Comic Day and there was a guy cosplaying as the Winter Soldier :)

Also -

Me: I've been going back over the list, updating all the Ids from when it was all 'Another bloody Shield Bug, arghhhhh'
Purrdence: Nick Fury must have put them there
Me: *facepalm*

graphic imagination, cinematographs, blobs with no bones in, purrdencisms, disturbing the public

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