March Theme Contest - Hymenoptera

Mar 29, 2014 14:52

Four entries this month, from all over the place. Alas, no giant radioactive ants.

1) quarryquest's Queen Bumblebee in Crocus, Sparrow's Nest Park, Lowestoft

2) drhoz's Golden Digger Wasp, Sphex ermineus? Wellard, Perth.

3) puddleshark's White-tailed bumblebee? (Bombus lucorum), visiting Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor).

4) kk1raven's Cicada killer wasp, Maryland

Voting open until the 1st - remember, vote early, vote often. The Queen demands it.

Poll Monthly Theme Contest

hymenoptera (bees/wasps/ants), blobs with no bones in, monthly theme contest

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