Mar 03, 2006 08:07
Along the dusty path there hangs a fragrance
of flowers and bark and sod before a storm
along with faint whiffs of a doe in heat. i freeze
taught like a stone and
there. in the bushes to my left,
the doe.
i spring from the grass and catch
air. She turns and kicks me in the ribs and dashes.
i reel and take it, wheezing, but my tail balances me out
and I dash after her with the wet mud squishing between my claws
the same way her entrails will when I catch her.
My legs pump, my lungs pump, my tail pumps, a symphony
of murder.
the mud disconnects from my feet as i leap for her luscious rump.
Oh what a fine rump to pine for. my claws sink in and
slide my paws down her ass ever so seductively.
She wails and bucks again, though this time
i dodge in time.
She turns.
Oh, what a lovely neck. What a beautiful, graceful neck.
i seize her neck my mouth
No more games.
and twist, riping out her windpipe and carotid.
blood flows down my mouth, whetting my lust.
she stumbles, and falls, a far-off look in her eyes
mine at last
i eviscerate her and feast, ravenous.
when i finish, i gather some brush,
some flowers, some fragrant fronds.
and pack them into her chest cavity.
as an offering to her beauty, sure
but more importantly to hide her smell
and protect her from predators.
(The assignment this week a a poem in animal form. Thus, we get a sexualy excited bloodythirty predator of some kind (Cougar, mountain lion, tiger, ocelot, Hobbes, ?) shredding his victim. Bloodlust, anyone?)