Jan 28, 2010 08:13
For one, I am not female...ok I know it's not actually that kind of pad, and really the name is not that bad. But that really has nothing to do with why I won't be getting it. No, it's because with my house full of laptops, my pocket full of iPhone, and my job that doesn't have me traveling more than the distance between our buildings, the current setup just doesn't add anything. However, there are only four key additions which would have me throwing down $700 easily. Steve, I give you my humble (ok, really not so humble) suggestions...
Ability to run as multi-touch input for my Mac:
Steve, your asking people to replace their computers. You're going to be met with some resistance especially since according to your latest profits a lot of people JUST bought one from you. Now, instead of saying, "Throw away that old technology," what if you said, "The iPad makes the best computing experience even better." I just got chills imagining you saying that! Suddenly you not only have a way to take your computing needs with you, but it's a way that's already intimately involved with your computing experience. Now I am sure that this will be solved with 3rd party software, but it won't have seamless integration that Apple alone is known for, and that makes me sad.
Running Flash:
Ok, I understand why Flash is not on the iPhone. I can get behind a battery life argument when I have to charge my phone every day already as it is...but the iPad can have 7 hours running time? A month standby? Even if you run the battery life in half with Flash, you are talking about 3.5 hrs of quality Hulu time. Thats enough to watch the extended version of Lord of the Rings AND send emails to all your friends asking why they liked that movie in the first place! I use my laptop mainly for four things: web surfing, chatting, emailing, and watching Hulu/Netflix. You just cut out 1/4 of my need. Which brings me to my next point...
Multitasking, but not for everything:
As I said before, I do four things on my laptop. Three of those things (email, chat, and web browsing) I switch back and forth between constantly. Currently it's a pain in the butt on any portable device (and some smaller laptops) and all I can say is I am disappointed no one has fixed it yet. That email while browsing thing you did during the keynote looked great! Why not use it for chatting too? I invite everyone to look back at the first Hiptop/Sidekick. That wonderful screen flipping phone that realized you only need to do three things at a time: get email, get chats, and surf the web. I haven't been satisfied with a chat experience since I had to give up my Sidekick because of no coverage when I moved.
Front facing camera:
I have the rumor mill to blame for this. If I hadn't read about the possibility of you using face recognition to login different users I wouldn't have soiled myself with dreams of no longer having to log my wife out of Ravelry and log myself back in just to work on my knitting (yeah I knit, so does Kindle's key demographic so deal with it). Not to mention the other reason to use a MacBook (the thing you are trying to cannibalize) is the video chat, which is kind of hard to do without a camera.
So there you have it. Obviously I won't get all my wishes in the next generation, but with all of these things not only will I buy the thing outright but I am willing to pay a lot more for it. Steve, don't let us down!