[May 2010: Sorry, all - the vids are all offline, as I am looking for a new storage space for 'em. I'm not sure when they'll be back up. Sorry for the inconvenience!]
My silly tribute to that little gem of a film known as "Willow". Dedicated to
sams_ceara, as we used to spend hours quoting it, and who could blame us?
"Gentlemen...meet Lug."
"Hero" (edited in 2001, with Adobe Premiere)
size: 10.9 mb (right-click on title above to download)
format: Windows Media Video (zipped)
song: "Holding Out For A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler (hey, every vidder's gotta do it)
characters: The whole big damn cast
(This is definitely one of the candidates for a re-edit with better source. Like I have that kind of time.)