Jun 04, 2009 18:40
I am going to have to kill the smaller of my two dogs. She's always been a bit neurotic, and once ate a set of aluminum mini-blinds when she was a puppy (Yes "ate", not damaged, not pulled down... Ate. There wasn't a square inch without at least one hole, and most of the blind bits were torn into pieces shorter than 3 inches). She proved to be one of the rare dogs that cannot be crate trained (or at least after a week or so of coming home to crates lined with a layer of... well.. really gross stuff, we decided it wasn't worth the pain to crate train her), and eventually we were forced to get her a dog of her own. Our Golden Retriever is normally a calming influence and mitigates the worst of her neuroses.
Not today. My wife is out of town visiting her parents, I was at work, and apparently the Golden boy managed to lock himself (but not her) in the bedroom. Being alone must have instigated a panic attack. She destroyed the vertical blinds in front of the sliding glass door. Pulled down every single slat but three, and broke two of those three chewing on them. Most were whole, other than the piece at the top where they used to attach to the hangers, but quite a number had been chewed in half or into smaller pieces. Not nearly as thorough a job as she did on those aluminum ones all those year ago, but more than sufficient to makes the blinds unusable until I can get to Home Depot and get replacement slats.