Dec 02, 2011 03:23
- Чт, 17:21: Photo: joelmchaleftw: The 80’s were a dark time for us all
- Чт, 19:17: Organon: To all those men who don't think the rape jokes are a problem: - oforganon:
- Чт, 21:54: @ nbc @ OccupyNBC I'm more excited for tonight's ep of #Community than Beetlejuice for a 3-way! #sixseasonsandamovie #savecommunity
- Чт, 21:59: Decisions, Decisions... - I can’t decide if I want to be a superhero or do a superhero. Is there a C: All of...
- Пт, 05:31: @ danharmon Michael Haggins in the brain! Give me back Seal! Give me back Seal!
- Пт, 05:34: Photo: fujiidom:
- Пт, 05:42: The soothing sounds of a saxophone have colonized my brain. #savecommunity #sixseasonsandamovie
- Пт, 07:08: @ Clinique_US I've used your products faithfully for years and I loved your advertising on #Community #sixseasonsandamovie #savecommunity
- Пт, 07:10: @ CocaCola I get my dad coke glasses every year for Christmas! I was reminded again tonight on #Community #sixseasonsandamovie #savecommunity
- Пт, 07:11: @ OldNavy I recently bought the new compression pants. Excellent purchase! Enjoyed the commercial tonight #savecommunity #sixseasonsandamovie
- Пт, 07:35: I'm so glad I wasn't the only one broadsided by emotion as mini Shirley & Jeff walked off together. That was so …