Character History

Jul 19, 2008 21:28

Full Name: Claudia Susan Gates-Jones
Nicknames: Dia, Susie, Boomer
Birthdate: March 17
Age: 27 at the time of destruction of Archangel
Phobias/Fears:  Fear of being left behind,  hates politics,
Intolerances/Annoyances: Freezing under stress, people getting in the way instead of helping in hairy situations. People not understanding about proper cultural context.
Quirks/Habits: She's smart and she knows it.  Has a hard time with willfully ignorant people.  Loves kids and is wildly enthusiastic about people she sees as having common interests with her.   Will prefer to not say anything if she doesn't feel that she knows enough about the subject.  Has a Sharpie fetish.

School: Classical education spread over several boarding schools, summers spent abroad with her parents, and one year of homeschooling while she recovered from a serious illness.
Occupation:  Doctoral candidate and researcher.   Also professional translator.
Sexuality:  Heterosexual but loves to flirt
Finance: Sam left her money, she finances the rest through her translation work
Home: Sam's house in Prague.

Parents: Muriel Gates and Simon Pietrovich (biological father).  Sam Jones (stepfather)
Siblings:  Sammy Jr and Ben
Spouse/Serious Lover:  Nope - she favors the casual flings here and there when she peeks out from her books and notes.
Marital Status: Single
Children: None

Height: 5'8
Build: Athletic-slim
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Light brown hair
Defining marks:  A cheeky smile and a pencil in her hair.
Dress Style:  Whatever is culturally appropriate for the time/place.  Otherwise, jeans and sweater tops.  She always has paper, sharpies, and her important documents.

The Character Physically

1. What is the character's stature and build? Is she overweight? Thin? What is her height and weight?

She's thin (sometimes she forgets to eat), she's on the tall side of average height and slightly underweight for her height.  She carries herself with confidence, but can also make herself unnoticeable

2. How old is she?

A year younger than Philip, so 26.

3. Describe her posture. Is it good? Does she carry himself well? Is she crooked? Straight?

She has good posture, even if she slouches in chairs sometimes.  She has decent muscle tone and she carries herself well.

4. Is she in good shape or out of condition? Is she muscularly weak or strong?

She has a compulsive habit of always needing to move around.  Foot tapping, constant shifting, she runs everyday and took up parkour as a dare from her half brothers.  Her mother was not amused.  Sam just told her they were insured and to try not to break her neck.

5. How is her health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?

She's in decent health.  She did have a couple of serious illnesses when she was younger.   No physical disabilities.

6. Is she physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?

Physically active (she thinks better when she's moving).   She moves quickly except in libraries.

7. Is she clumsy, awkward, graceful?

Graceful most times, but has lapsed bouts of clumsiness.

8. Does she move in straight or curved lines? Is she physically tight or fluid?

What's a straight line?   Mostly fluidish

9. What are her chief efforts?

Research,  Translating, and finding out more about past civilizations.

10. Is the character good-looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured?


11. Is the character aware of herself physically? Her looks?

She knows that she's pretty but sometimes is unaware of how pretty she is.

12. Describe her complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked?

Good skin,  a little on the pale side but she does tan a little.

13. Describe her hair, coloring, styling. Is it taken care of?

Light brown hair, well taken care of.  Long and she loves to wear it down.

14. How is her usual dexterity? Does she have good hands: Can she do things? Is she a worker?

Very good.   She doesn't mind digging in the dirt or working in the library.

15. Is she physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?

Physically tense when she's working. Some times a little neurotic.  She's the most relaxed when she's jumping off buildings.

16. What are her chief tension centers?


17. What part of her body would you notice first?

The smile.  Or the hair.

18. Describe her basic gravity factor. Is there a downward pull or buoyancy?

She's a bit buoyant.

The Character's Clothes

1. How many clothes does this character have?

She's got a decent sized wardrobe.  From formal dresses to shorts and tank tops.

2. What items are in her wardrobe?

Jeans, sweats, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, a few nice flow-y dresses, shorts, tank tops, a leather jacket she's in love with (gift from Sam)

3. What are her favorite articles of clothing?

A long black top, her leather jacket, and a white dress.

4. What colors are the clothes? Is there a wide range? Bright or dull? What are her favorite colors to wear?

She likes bright colors and black.  She does a wide range of colors.

5. Are her clothes bright or dull?


6. Were they bought or home-made, hand-me-downs, expensive?

Whatever seems appropriate at the time. Yes, she's dressed in rags. Yes, she's dressed in silk and satin evening gowns.

7. What is one of her favorite items to wear?

Black leather jacket and a set of black leather boots.

8. Do her clothes fit well?

Yes.  She does have a few baggy sweaters she liberated from Sam and Skippy's (Sam Jr) closets.

9. Is she comfortable in what she wears? Does she "fight" her clothes?

Yes.     No she doesn't.

10. Is she confident about the way she dresses, or uneasy?


11. Does she care for her clothes? Keep them up and neat? Is she worried about how they look?

She takes pretty good care of what she has.

12. Does she have to dress a certain way because of her job or position? If so, do her usual clothes fit her real, basic character?

Yes, and not always.

13. Does she dress according to a self image of herself? Is that self image conscious or unconscious? At what age was this self image made?

Not really.

14. What kind of underwear does she wear?

Ask and you'll get an answer.  It may not be the right answer however...

The Character's Voice

1. Does she speak in a high or low pitch voice? When might she be higher than usual? When lower?

She has a pleasant voice, low and husky.  Higher than usual when she stressed or extremely excited.

2. Is she a loud or soft talker?

Happy medium between the two.

3. Is there a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?

Even mostly, wide range if and when she needs it.

4. Is there good resonance to her voice? Is the voice throaty, chesty, heady, nasal?

Yes.  Slightly heady.

5. Is there tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion?

Control and Emotion, a little tension every now and then.

6. Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing?

No accent at all.  She's pronounces each word exactly how she learned it. She speaks 11 languages and is learning more.

7. Is it a trained voice, or just natural?


8. Does the character "try" to speak well or just "how it comes out"?

How it comes out.

9. Is the speech clear or muddy? Does she mumble? Is she distinct?

Very clear and distinct.

10. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing?

Comforting and resassuring.

11. Is she self-conscious when she speaks to others? How large a group could she speak to before she became self-conscious?

Not really.   She's spoken before hundreds before.

The Character's Mind

1. Is the character smart, dumb, naive?

Smart, very very smart.

2. Does she think quickly? Slowly? Is she quick-witted? Dull?

Quick and witty.

3. What kind of education has she had?

Classical education spread over several boarding schools, summers spent abroad with her parents, and one year of homeschooling while she recovered from a serious illness.

4. What subjects does the character have knowledge or expertise in?

Linguistics, research methods, obscure trivia.

5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is she logical, rational, or emotional?

She thinks things through and occasionally flies by the seat of her pants.

6. Does she think out things before she speaks or can she "think on her feet" as she is speaking?


7. Does she have contemplative times? What does she think about when alone?

She's usually processing information - but when she does, it's generally about home and her projects and her dads and siblings.

8. Is she an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea woman? An action woman?

Dreamer but also a pragmatist.

9. Is her life motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards?

Abstract ideals.
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