Reclaim it

Mar 26, 2010 02:26

Gospel lenses means everything is God's.

My water is God's (and He is mine), my eyes are God's (and His are mine), my life is God's (and He is mine). By his divine providence do I breathe. It also recasts the things of this world in his light. We see all by the light of His glory. We measure the worth of all things by the absence or presence of God. King David's Psalms triumph that everything praises God. All things reflect him either gladly, in unwillingness, or by no will at all. His people reflect Him gladly and our pitiful offerings and weary voices are honey in the ears of the Creator. The ones in rebellion praise him, as "Surely the wrath of man shall praise you" (76:10). What man intends for evil God uses for ultimate good (Genesis 50:20).

Realize this. What man intends for evil God uses for ultimate good. This is part of the great reclamation process of the Christian faith. We do not sit in our rooms and drown in our books. We soldier out, missionaries of our culture, and glorify Him in the streets. What a fallen world has made crooked may we straighten right back again. What an evil humanity has twisted, may we twist back into Godly truth. Measure all things by the Gospel.

Hear Song of Solomon 7:10

"I am my beloved's,
and his desire is for me"

Were Solomon and this songwriter meditating on the same things when they wrote their songs? No. Does it matter? No.

Reclaim it:

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