She was from Latvia... I think.

Aug 04, 2007 21:44

I remember the anticipation.
An almost glee like feeling in my gut as I walked down that cold London street in the early hours of the evening. It was I think around 8ish. The month was December and the year was... either 2001 or 2002. That doesn't matter. I had spoken to the company on the phone, they explained to me that the girl I had selected was available. Soon after I shut the phone on them, I immediately received another call. "Iz thiz Harvee?" her voice was accented, the first time I heard a Russian accent. Anyways, she gave me directions and asked when I was coming. I shaved and showered, scrubbing every inch of my body. My mind raced.

I remember getting out of the Tube and on to the street, a bewildered look on my face as I tried to see the street signs. With each correct sign, my anticipation reached new heights. My heart was banging against my rib cage and something was stirring in my crotch. Then, it happened. I was lost. I turned, I looked but I couldn't find the place that the girl had mentioned.

Suddenly, like a realization or an epiphany, there it was. The hotel she had mentioned. Walking in to the lounge I hardly noticed the stares on me as I made my way towards the lifts. Strangely, I was in a dream like state now. I reached the door - which had a bell. I pressed it and almost instantly, she answered. Dressed in a black minidress with matching stockings. Her dirty blond hair shimmered in the dim light, as he ushered me in. As soon as the door was locked a part of me was locked behind. Her scent was intoxicating, she immediately took my jacket. Offered me wine, I asked for water - I still don't know why.

I looked at her and she was smiling back at me, mechanically. She was sitting by the bed, legs crossed - I noticed that her foot was twitching. I then remembered, I was on the clock. So I made my move, sat beside her on the bed and kissed her neck. She slithered away from me like I was some sort of disease and let loose a barrage of words that totally flew past by me. I my wanton daze, I had forgotten to pay her for her company.

Once finances parted with, she went into motion. In no time, my clothes were neatly bundled on the table nearby, as I was instructed to take a shower. Mind you, I had already partaken in bathing myself before arriving here, but I amused her anyways as I took one last look at her standing by the bed, winking at me. And thats the last that I saw of the minidress, for when I returned to the room - gone was the dress and she lay on the bed completely naked. I could see a patch of hair between her legs, which still had the stockings on them. I stumbled towards the bed, my mouth dry and open. She stood up and removed the towel from my waist and gently pushed my onto the bed. I looked up at her as she straddled my legs, her hands over my chest and face, her lips on my belly. I got up and began to feel her breasts, they felt unlike anything.

Her caressing traversed lower, and pretty soon I could feel her breath on my semi-erect penis. I snapped out of my sexual reverie by her commenting on my excess of pubic hair. But she liked it anyways. I looked down at her, just in time to see her curl her fingers around my rapidly growing member. I will never forget the way her soft hands pulled my cock up and began to pull. In a few short rapid strokes, she had me completely erect. I threw my head back, letting her take total control. Her warm breath cascading on my hardness was driving me crazy. I glanced back down and somehow, from out of nowhere - she was wrapping a condom over my cock.

Before I had time to even ask anything, she wrapped her lips around my latex clad cock and began to bob her head. I was in heaven. My hips took a life of their own as I tried to match her movements. One hand massaged my balls as the other stroked my cock as her head bobbed over it.

I was truly in heaven.

london, sex, prostitution

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