ravaged_storm asked that I post these once she posted a reply.
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
Given your reply to my other post, you are indeed frisky. :P
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
Dr. Feelgood.
3. I'll tell you what country you should be the king/queen of.
Ireland. We likes the broads and de booze *grin*
4. I'll say something I like about you.
That you write.
5. I'll say something I can't stand about you.
hmm...I don't know you, so I haven't found anything. Yet.
6. I'll tell you what celebrity you remind me of.
I'm bad with celebrities...your userpic is my dear Mr. Phoenix so I'll go with that.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
Your profile doesn't say and I'm not sure I can remember if you gave anything away in your replies to the porn post...male or female?
I'm a guy and here is your post on my journal.