I really needed a trim, and I didn't know how I'd go about finding the right hair dresser, so on Saturday I got fed up and decided to cut my own hair. I see it as a combination of all 4 hair styles I posted. It's really cute!! I took some pics, but they didn't come out good enough, so tomorrow I'll try again. It's asymmetrical of course, long on the left, short on the right. I razored it a lot so its much softer everywhere, not so heavy and thick. There are wispy bits on the underneath too. I like it :)
scentless here are some more sites for your quest :)
Arimino It's a Japanese website, lots of interesting cuts! Just keep clicking on "Next."
LAPAGE hair Click on hairstyle gallery, and stylist gallery. Really good cuts, I wish could have had my hair cut in Japan! :o)
I want to dye this blonde human hair weft to that gray color:
I've dyed this weft before using Manic Panic in some purple color and it worked with great results. I don't know much about dying hair, I mean, I dye my own with Natural Instincts, but that's it.
I don't really know what I'll need, or what brand I should choose. I'm getting it from Sallys, I might use Wella, or actually the brand with the closest match to the color I want. Do I need developer or something? Do I need a toner for it? All these chemicals, not my forte.