Change At the Speed of Light

Feb 16, 2010 07:53

So... I'm a culinary arts student now. Unemployed one day, student the next. I went to the open house at the Art Institute of Indianapolis, and was very impressed with their campus, but moreso with their career services and curriculum. They base the whole course load around creating a portfolio of your work done at the school, as well as have many work study, in/externship, and part-time work programs that supplement your own specialty. A giant step above what was offered at Ivy Tech. With this school it's a two-way road; they build you up to be the best, and in the work you do out in the professional work world, they receive the reputation from their students. I'll be damned to not let them be disappointed, because I've never been any more sure about anything else in my life than this. This is what I really want to do with my life.

Had enough time after the open house to sit down with my academic adviser to discuss what it would take to get me there. It's doable, and they make damn sure it is. A frantic signing of forms later, and I then became an official/unofficial ("Conditional Start" Student). Effectively I'm a student on a deadline. Because I've signed on in such a short time, I've a lot of forms and financial aid I have to catch up on. Today's going to be a frantic day of running around, getting transcripts from my other schools, getting a tetanus booster shot, and writing my admissions essay. Tomorrow I meet with my financial adviser to make sure all of my ducks are in a row, get my student ID, supplies (which includes a full cutlery kit, all the books used throughout the whole program, and three chef's uniforms), schedule, and Thursday I start class.

I blame the fortune cookie.


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