When will I stop laughing out loud when I see Chinese Restaurants called “Wok and Roll?”
Don’t you wish that wet farts were trendier?
When did blue stop being a boy color?
Why do I love Teddy Grahams with the passion of a pedophile watching a children at a playground?

made the arbitrary decision that saying “like” and “whatever” in every
sentence and sometimes in the middle of words makes you inarticulate? I
blame that jerk for my failure at job interviews and my current
Will the chruning da butter (aka cabbage patch) always be my awesomest dance move?
Will my knowledge of the lyrics to the opening rap of The Fresh
Prince of Bel Air and the hop, skip, head twirl at the end ever come in
Is it annoying that I say “and make it snappy” after I place an order at Starbucks?
Aside from nights of painful eye-bulging puking and the perils of date rape, is there really a down side to having a low tolerance?
When can I stop being polite and start getting real? And also,
should I send out a mass e-mail warning people about the impending
change over from polite to real?
I know what you’re thinking, “This is summer vacation. What the hell is
this bitch doing making me think of all of this deep stuff?” My answer
to you is two fold. First, I prefer slizzut to bitch. Second, for great
minds like mine, there is never a vacation from deep thoughts. Never,
not even on Canadian Thanksgiving.