Where in the World is Josh Foley?

Nov 18, 2011 21:50

Because my headcanon post ended up being incredibly depressing have this extra bit about where Josh might now possibly be in canon (not meant to be taken as having any level of accuracy or seriousness). Feel free to suggest some of your own!

1) He’s off teaching a tantric sex workshop (thanks JULIAN).

2) He’s pulled a Bill Murray in the The Razor’s Edge (1984) and is off in the Himalayas meditating away the sadness.

3) He's having spiritual adventures in India ala the book version of The Razor’s Edge.

4) He had the Cuckoo’s mindwipe him and send him off somewhere in the world, while asking them to obfuscate the knowledge in themselves as well.

5) He’s gone back to New York and is working as a stripper (with a heart of gold- oh god now I’m wondering if the skin mutation has affected his internal organs as well, no brain no).

6) He’s in prison. I mean he’s there willingly since he’s still in his Lead form, unable to change back to his Gold form fully and permanently enough. He meditates a lot, and tries not to think about how easy it would be to just reach out and solve all the mutant’s problems (the world governments, anti-mutant supremacist groups, Cyclops and to some extent Wolverine) with just one touch.

7) He’s in Narnia.

8) He’s in Hel (one L not two)! He caught Hela’s eye and since he’s (probably still) Dani’s foster son and did Hrimhari a solid, he’s probably gained the attention of enough Norse Gods to earn a hideout spot. Or maybe she kidnapped him I don't know.

9) He’s being kept in isolation by S.H.I.E.L.D in their Helicarrier.

10) He’s in Atlantis- Alani brought him there after he left X-Force. Namor doesn’t tolerate him but he enjoys lording something over Cyclops' head, which is pretty much par for the course.

11) He’s been kidnapped by the Skrulls.

12) He’s been kidnapped by the Kree.

13) He’s been kidnapped by the Brood.

14) He’s been kidnapped by the Shi’ar.

15) I think that’s all the major extraterrestrial players in the Marvel Universe WAIT NO- he's been kidnapped by the Celestials.

16) He’s become a herald of Galactus.

17) He's hanging out with Uatu.

18) He's in Wakanda.

19) He's backpacking through Europe.

20) Dani has him set up somewhere, idk. They still haven’t spent much time together face-to-face but she calls and emails him when she’s not busy with X-men/New Mutants business, and sometimes he even responds.

21) He’s in Fiji, sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and working on his tan.

22) He’s in the Australian Outback (why? Idk but apparently sometimes mutants like to hang out there).


24) He went home to his parents. He sleeps in his old room (probably 20 hrs a day), in a bed that was never his, eats their food, has staring matches with their new (to him) cat and never talks to them or they to him, especially about the fact that the only reason he got into the house and is being allowed to stay there is because they’re too terrified of him to kick him out again. The cat’s name is Josh.

25) He’s been captured by the new Hellfire (kiddie) Club. It’s exactly as bad as it sounds.

26) He’s living in the old Morlock tunnels.

27) One night he showed up on Laurie’s mother’s doorstep. She let him in and he’s stayed there since.

28) Domino and Vanisher set him up in an apartment somewhere in Brazil, where he can lay low and work through everything. Vanisher made a joke about Josh now owing him one (he was largely serious) and Dom just said they were even now.

29) He got his GED and is now going to college, so instead of just having a telepathically acquired MD/PhD he’s now getting a real world one.

30) He’s putting together his secret lair and army of minions for the day he inevitably returns to become a supervillain and foe to the X-Men. Yes, his lair is being built on/in Skullcrusher Mountain.

31) Josh is set up in some safehouse somewhere that only Wolverine knows about (it’s probably in Canada). Logan sent him a letter inviting him to join the new Jean Grey Institute during one of his rare moments where he remembers that Josh is only sixteen, telling him it’s time he rejoined the world. Josh immediately burned the letter and probably thought very strongly about burning down the house too.

32) He’s doing an On the Road-esque journey across the 48 contiguous states. In the beginning he hitchhiked but since that went as well as one would expect for someone in the 616 with a visible mutation, he got a fake driver’s license and bought a crappy run down car with the last of the money he got/stole from Logan and/or Warren. The car is the first stable home he’s had since he was kicked out of his parent’s place.

33) He’s in the Savage Land, tooling around with the mutates and riding dinosaurs everywhere while wearing a loincloth. He’s made friends with ALL the animals.

34) He's still on Genosha.

other, ooc

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