my long ass confession

Dec 15, 2004 02:57

ok as you all know some really crazy things have happened this week. On top of finals some needless drama and some very revealing drama have happened. One thing, the whole roommate change shit my god how hard is it to just make up your mind some times people can just be hurt just a little to easily. In the end i chop it all up to finals an act of SATAN that we as students should never have to go through. For those who live under some kinda rock hidden in PA you know that things have happened that i'm not personally proud of but needed to be said. I am ashamed at the way i had to handle the situation and I apologize for the way i acted and just hope that those around me will understand and feel forgiving. And most of all i apologize to the one i hurt the most and hope she'll find it in herself to forgive me and understand that i'm a very confused moronic 18 yr. old college student with way to much on his mind. I've never had to handle these kind of situations before i mean i never had a girlfriend in highschool ( I know i'm a loser) but in highschool i was extremely shy and it took a lot for me to talk to new people. Some how going to college away from home changes you in a way thats hard to explain, i guess you just learn to speak up for yourself.
I know that most of you especially the guys know that i still have a thing for a girl that i knew in highschool and i've been trying to get over her for the past year. It just seemingly doesn't work, even now when i truly care for a person and know that i'm probably throwing away a good thing, but i just cannot help wonder what if what could be and could i be turning my head away from a love i may never feel again. Me a 18 yr. college student should have his on WB show cause his life is so screwed up right now. I'm learning very quickly that i am very bad at relationships and need help, but i think this is the answer to my problem if i can just talk to this girl from home and just see if anything could ever happen between us it would help me put her behind me to move past her to move on to someone who really cares and wants this broken shell of a person and help put me back together.
Given the past events i feel terrible and so sorry to those i've hurt. I sit here now a broken man and hope i can come back a taller one, one who can face his issues with some kinda of backbone and not hide behind lies. So I ask that you all can forgive me for being such a asshole to one that i care for and hope that this helps explain my problems. To the one i hurt please be patient and understanding i know i'm asking a lot of you i just hope that you just wait a little longer. Although i'll come back to school with more answers it may not be the one your hoping for, but i pray that you'll forgive me and still talk to me and let me be your friend. In short this is a kinda of manuscript of past events and those yet to happen. thanks for reading this long rambling post and hope you'll leave you opinions


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