Dec 31, 2009 15:20
I've been avoiding posting, though I'm not too sure why. Too much I guess...
Christmas went off without a hitch. Saw Dad and Eric on the eve, then we went out to the prior, more Christmasy good times, then to CP, for even more good times. Played Beatles rock band, which was super fun.. oh, the only real hitch. Went to catch the bus back to Ottawa... we've had lots of trouble with the bus before. So we get to the stop and tell the guy at the hotel that we're here to catch it. He says they've cancelled the bus because there were only three passengers (which would be my brother, Julio and I) and we could catch one at 8am if we wanted to.. yeah thanks. So my mom drove us to Kanata where we caught a cab. Dropped off my brother and hung out here with some kids before heading over to Natalies. Christmas there was loud and good. It was a little strange at a few parts. Emily brought her little entourage. She's been hanging out with work friends more and more lately and brought like 6 of them to family christmas.. but they took off eventually. Lots of presents and good times.
Got a chance to see Mike, Alana and Kat, which was awesome.
I've been super sick since about Monday, and I'm trying to get better but it's probably going to put a damper on tonight.
Just been laying low.
Blue Moon tonight.
Let's see what the new year will bring.