Jul 28, 2009 12:34
posting on lj?
I'm working on my doula exam. It's not to bad since about half of it was on the study guide. 1/4 of it is scenario's run to help figure out what you would do. The other bit is medical.
I feel incredibly guilty for not doing more and sooner and more and what not. It's tricky sometimes though. But at least I'm working on it.
The weekend was nice. Friday was just drinking at the Dom steez. It was alright. Good times, we ALMOST went for chocolate chip pancakes. But did not.
Saturday was PatFest!
I had a really shitty start to the morning. Julio was all hemming and hawing over whether or not to go, then it somehow turned into an argument, and I don't think either one of us knew what we were fighting about, we were just both mad. I ended up punching a wall a bunch of times and totally bruised my knuckles, which sucked.
It also sucks that Rye an Em can hear every word of our fights due to the close proximity of our homes. Even at speaking level, I can hear them having a conversation, so I can only imagine what it's like when it's.... louder.
Well, despite the rocky start, Kmom came to get us around 3.30 and off to the cottage we went. Good times ensued. I really love having that stage/ haywagon there. It's bomber. We were all disappointed with our turnout. about 10 of us compared to about 30 of Allie's friends, next year, next year. Went swimming, canoe-ing, dancing, drinking, you know, the cottage lot. That's only the second time I've been there all summer. I made Emily promise me we'd go a lot more in August.
Things are in their usual state of flux, but it's okay.
I'm still not working, it's been three frigging months. Holy shit.
Now because of the season no one's really hiring. I mean no one.
I've been everywhere in the market and applied online at stuff (I've even applied at Convery's they haven't gotten back to me) It's unusual. Something that will have to be rememdied soon, as new adventure is just around the corner.
Well, back to my exam.
Woot woot