May 17, 2007 22:07
Oh Gawd two posts in one day. But this was too random... I'm leaving work, right? (it was really slow, and the sun was still up when I was leaving) So I head toward Marcus's house (9 months today!) and there's this truck ahead of me. Suddenly this blonde girl starts waving at me through the back window. o.O She's waving and waving like she recognises me, and making hand gestures like she's trying to get me to call her. I'm like "Ok, this must be someone I know. But WHO?!" Feeling like an aweful person for not knowing who the heck this person who I must be friends with is... So I gestured like I couldn't find my phone. XD Then she waves at me to follow them, and they lead me into this parkinglot for some townhomes off Nova. I follow, sure that as soon as they stop moving, I'll know who it is and she'll never know.... Turned out to be a truck full of random 16-year-old teenagers. XD She's like "Hey! I don't know you, but I flagged you down 'cause you seem awesome! ^_^ I'm sure glad you're not an axe murderer!" And I'm like "Ha ha hold on I'm looking for my axe. >:3" and we kinda bullshitted for a few more minutes until I told them I had to be getting home and went on my merry way. But that was freakin' weird!
Back at Miyie's for the night again, checking my internets before I shower up and crawl into a cozy bed... A decent enough day, I'd say.. I wanna watch the DVD that came with my CD, but I know Miyie will not like Dane Cook's humor at all. Too much swearing. Argh.. I'm hungry. I should go find some small muchy food I can consume. Yes..