So we lost our dog Rex in November last year (he was 16) and have been toying with getting a new one but we had a home visit earlier in the week and passed with flying colours so today we went to look at some.
3 hours later we were home with a new baby boy, his name is Brom, he is going to be 2 in a month and he is a collie cross retriever.
We have already fallen in love with him and, we think, he with us. He has made himself well at home and when my brother and his kids came round (boys aged 2 and 5) he didn't bat an eyelid. Played for a bit then lay down and ignored them while they played around him.
He does however like water a lot - which was bad news for our pond which he has already jumped into twice. So we will save the remaining fish and give them to my sister before filling in the pond.