Another Start for a New Life

Jan 20, 2007 15:44

Wow, lots of time has passed since I last whined into my livejournal. Lots of people died that I knew in '06 -- family and friends. I lost an uncle, and an absorbed set of grandparents. Luckilly, though, my stepfather's cancer was cut-and-blasted away.

My SO and I moved, moved again, and then bought our first house. Good thing I saved all of my money from my last job. We kinda lucked out finding a non-condemned house within our pricerange -- plus the extra unit, and the backyard. We're psyched. Now our monthly expenses go down, and our quality of life goes up. We've been doing most of the repairs ourselves, but it is slow going. My buddy Myc fills-in quite nicely, and he and I have removed multiple tons of detritus.

This last week was wallpaper removal. The is no wallpaper on the first floor anymore, except for the tiny microhallway, but we don't care about that. There is only a little bit of wallpaper paste left, and then it will be time to sand and spackle.

Finally, for the first time in my life, I have enough space to setup my toys, and play with them. I don't even have to pack everything back into the closet when I'm done, and there is plenty of space for storage. It took me a couple of months to collect my toys from friends who have held onto them for me, but it is awefully nice to finally setup the big-ass projector, and start setting up my recording studio. I've eaten the big room on the third floor, and now we have the biggest television screen of anyone I know.

Oh yeah, and I haven't been working at a day job, which I think is just fine by me. I can do my web things, work on the house, play with toys, and do whatever I want -- on my own schedule. It almost beats a big paycheck. I'm having a blast.

Another cool feature, is that if there's something we hate about the house, we can change it.
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