Oct 25, 2004 00:04
Ah, yes. I've FINALLY settled into bed now. There's been a few false starts -- email notification, pager notification. I can't sleep with those going on. After collecting my laptop, final cigarette, even a cup of tea, I am finally ready for the spindown.
I'm even wearing 'jammies. Not real 'jammies, mind you, just a dotcom t-shirt, and a fabulous pair of ruined dotcom pants -- all fuzzy and comfortable. I even have two comforters on the bed, for extra comfort. Scrunching up like this with the laptop is the opposite of what I am trying to accomplish
I sorted _the laundry_ today. It has become it's own monster. Not just mine, tho, my SO generates quite a bit of laundry. The difference is twofold: I have a signifigantly larger ammount of clothes than my SO does, and she actually does her laundry kinda often. It's nice to have lots of clothes, unless you have to wash them. I don't like the idea of having clothes that require washing. They should either clean themselves, or not need to be cleaned. I'm totally okay with wearing a standard uniform, as long as it is comfortable, and I don't look like an idiot.
I've so wanted to visit the cleaners, and have my dress shirts and pants pressed to razor sharpness. What a wonderful thing it is to get dressed for work in the morning. I really get into carefully unwrapping a selected shirt so as not to cut myself on the creases, and unfolding the contrasting pants to match. There's always two tags, one on the shirt neatly folded through a button-hole *snap* and one on one of the belt loops of the pants *snap*.
Of course, dressing is not a part of my routine at all these days. Although it is getting colder, that just means I put on 'jammies, and I don't have to take them off tomorrow.