Fucking Biking

May 05, 2006 14:43

Hey, I am heading down south to look at buying a bike at Working Bikes if anyone else is looking to buy a bike for the summer, you should come to!! It's just off of the Roosevelt Busstop @ Western, so it's an easy trip if you live on the CCC campus.

Also, Let Them Ho's Fight is playing an extra show on Saturday, at South Union Arts (just south of Roosevelt, a block east of Halstead) at 8pm (promptly), it should be an interesting show to say the least. If anyone feels like hitting that up, its near campus too. The NBC sendout went alright, sorry I didn't call anyone to let them know about the pictures, we ended up having some alright ones to send out and I freaked for no reasons. BUT, if anyone still feels like taking pictures for LTHF, let me know and I am sure we can set something up, if for nothing other than to help boost your portfolios with commercial work and to help us have a more promo photos in general.

Anyways, lets start a bike gang, then BBQ, and then watch the comedy show on Saturday.
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