May 04, 2005 13:52
i got a chance to see the dillinger escape plan again last sunday. probably my 5th or 6th time to see that band but they never fail to amaze me. their opening bands really weren't good at all though. in between sets i got some pizza over at franzini's down the street and that ruled. nobody i really recognized was at that show and i hear that hardly anybody went out to see oceanus in fort worth that night either...where is everybody at?
the next show i'm going to that i'm really stoked about is the red chord on the 15th over at red blood club, i hope lots of my buds go so it can be a cool hangout as well.
so tomorrow is my last day of school for the semester and i'm extremely happy about that, now i get to sleep in while i finish up UPS by the end of the summer. then its a semester of student teaching (most likely at highland park haha). i freaked sam and rodrigo out the other day when i came home in my dockers and dress shirt look that i sport for my internship. people aren't used to the "working drew" i guess.
well its 2pm so i gotta head out to chill with the gorgeous fiance for a bit before she heads off to work. i'm one lucky boy!