(no subject)

Dec 24, 2004 22:37



and precisely why they are ridiculous.

Mike ski (ex-singer of Brother's Keeper, current singer of The AKA's) sets it straight. Taken from issue #9 of RTR fanzine back in 1997

1) Straight edge is a trend…
and drinking and smoking aren’t? This likely being the most often heard criticism of straight edge. For those who like to use it, I have one question… what’s more trendy amongst young people… drinking, smoking, and drug use is the few kids you know who don’t do any of these. When I was in high school, I was far from being the trendy popular guy, as a matter of fact, people couldn’t believe that I wasn’t into drinking or drugs. I guarantee I would have fit in far better if I did drink it up at the weekend parties and all that other crap. Instead, I spent my time playing in a band and traveling to hardcore shows…. What a nerd! I was constantly hassled, mocked, and even faced with violent situations because I didn’t drink or do drugs. Also if Straight edge is a trend, which is worse? A Trend that leads to a clean and sober lifestyle, or one that contributes to heart disease, lung and kidney caner, violent crime, abuse and neglect, and one of the highest killers in our country… drunk driving? When is the last time you heard a teacher or saw a commercial that told you not to give into the peer pressure of those anti drug straight Edger’s?

2) People who are Straight Edge think they are superior or better than everyone else…
You and I both might be familiar with people who resemble this criticism. However, don’t confuse your own feelings or prejudices as being someone else’s downfall. What I mean is the pride of doing something positive for oneself is often met with hostility by those who lack self confidence or the initiative to make changes in themselves. What often happens is the inferiority felt by this type of person is easily excused by their ability to project blame on someone else. Instead of facing their inferiority, they blame someone else for coming off as superior. This isn’t a phenomenon exclusive to the Straight Edge idea, so I don’t think it is a stretch of the imagination whatsoever. You might learn about this type of behavior in general in your basic Human Behavior studies class. The bottom line is… if you are envious of someone else’s positive example, follow it and make it apply to yourself (In whatever way that may be, Straight Edge or otherwise), instead of trying to minimize others attempts to do so. Those who may still appear to be superior might have a problem not associated with their Straight Edge ties; they just might be a generally inconsiderate, arrogant person… Straight Edge or not. It is important in instances such as this and those addressed in #3 that the actions of the individuals or a few don’t always speak for everyone involved in a movement… take it from the democrats when Al Gore misspelled potato

3) I know a bunch of kids who were Straight Edge for a short time and now they all drink, smoke, do drugs, etc…
You think you do? I’ve seen kids come and go more often than the seasons change. Although many people do sell out their commitment to Straight Edge, it doesn’t affect the integrity of the movement itself. Just as an example, marriage is a huge commitment. Nowadays, an absurd number of people get divorced or commit adultery. Is this the fault of marriage? No. It is simply the fault of those who enter the commitment without the proper consideration and preparation. So it is with Straight Edge. A lot of young people become involved with Straight Edge through friends or other means and sometimes commit to it for the wrong reasons. And poo poo on them. Despite this, keep in mind the reality of people like myself. I am almost 24 years old. I became involved with Straight Edge and considered myself such since I was 15! I have never considered changing my ways… and as a matter of fact, my beliefs in the importance of my ideas have only strengthened as I grow older. There are plenty of people like myself all over the world who are prime examples of the Straight Edge. Straight Edge may not be the answer for everyone, and claming to be so doesn’t win my approval… especially when you fall of the face of the earth six months later. Have the strength and insight to know what is right for you before you take on the commitment.

4) I don’t do drugs, but I don’t feel the need to advertise it on my clothing, shirts, hats, etc…
This is my favorite criticism of all. I hear it so much and every time it makes me laugh. First off, why do all these kids wear Straight Edge shirts? Well, why do you wear adidas shirts, Tommy Hilfiger shirts, or Marilyn Manson shirts? I’ll tell you why, its because these are things that you like, are involved in, or what other people to see. We as people identify ourselves and each other in groups by the clothes we wear and the way we look. Why should it be okay for people to express themselves in this way but not okay for the Straight Edge kids? Maybe because it causes you to feel threatened (see #2 above). I don’t tell all the Frat boys at my school that they aren’t allowed to wear “Top 10 Reasons why Drinking is better than going to class” and I could care less if someone wants to wear a stupid shirt that says “I’m not as think as you stoned I am” Finally, as if we need anymore of an explanation for this one… I would gladly trade every Straight Edge related t-shirt, hat, jacket, sticker and everything else for one thirty second public service announcement on Straight Edge to be aired on television during the Super Bowl. How about a trade?

5) I think that it’s stupid to have to label yourself…
Well honey, let me tell you something. The time we live in is filled with the raunchy stench of the social ills of Western Civilization. In some instances, it is necessary to go as far as to take a definitive stand for what you believe in. It is my strong opinion that completely abstaining from intoxicants is necessary to send a message to others from myself and those who choose this path that we oppose what hard drugs, smoking, and alcohol create, the media attempts to portray our generation, and advertising specifically targeting young people, impoverished families and minorities, You might think this is a bit rash, but tell the little old black lady that sat in the back of the bus in the 60’s that it wasn’t necessary that you oppose racism or segregation, just because ideas such as sexism, ageism, and the glamour of drinking and smoking are commonplace and accepted in our society, doesn’t mean that they are welcome among those who are capable of seeing them as social problems. By labeling yourself, you send a message and set an example to others. I don’t think Straight Edge is the remedy for all our problems, but more like a step, or a cough drop which tends to certain symptoms allowing for use to take our energy to higher levels and accomplish things. This is possible in other ways; it is all a matter of your personal experiences and environment. I urge everyone to explore themselves and find that path, whether it employs the Straight Edge movement is up to you, but there is no glory in wasting time with played out excuses and criticisms as those addressed above.

Well folks… there you have it. Your favorite criticisms and my most witty rebuttals. I hope everyone realizes that my intent isn’t only to defend the good nature of the Straight Edge movement and those who truly follow its’ message, but also to urge people to become more critical. Not as much of others, but more of yourself. Before you criticize someone, challenge yourself… attack your argument and make sure it holds up to the defense of an intelligent opponent… Not necessarily to create better argument, but rather to avoid them. Feel as ease with your opinions and ideas, but only after you have decided them to be fool proof. As for those involved with Straight Edge, remember that your actions reflect on those around you… and you are not above doing wrong. Remember that it is not being Straight Edge that gets you respect or peace of mind; it is what you do with yourself after you have made this commitment.***
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