I am fucking sick of it all

Jun 07, 2011 21:46

I love it when my friends come over to MY house, try to tell me what to do and then get pissed when I put them in their place. I love how they come over to my house and don't even bother to say two words the whole time they are here. Watch me invite you over again. I am fucking sick of being a punching bag, I am sick of everyone taking their anger out on me. I just don't know what to do anymore. Everyone is blaming it on the heat, saying that people are getting an attitude because it's hot. Bullshit. If you have a problem, confront the person about it. Don't sit around at my house and brood about it all damn night when we're trying to have fun and take your mind off of things. Grr. I am just fucking sick of it all.
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