So bored

Dec 29, 2009 00:37

 Wow, can you all faint now? Sure you can, because I am finally posting something on here to update, lol! I have been so busy that I think I have just forgotten to post. Or rather, I haven't really had anything to post lately. And....sadly, facebook has taken over my life, as I think it has everyone else's!

So, where to begin, since I haven't updated since what, August? Hmm. Well, let's see. Hockey season has started, and the Griffins are doing okay, they could be doing better, but with injuries to the Wings and call ups, we're losing a lot of guys so it's starting to affect the team in negative ways. I just hope we can pick it up, get our guys back, and do better the second half of the season.

Well, speaking of hockey, I had a little fling going with a Griffins player. It started the night of the Tip A Griffin at Applebees, when he was messing around with me and I could tell then that he was flirting with me. Every time Mattias came over to our table to talk to us, Dick came over to, and one time, he even pretended to steal some of my food, then laughed and kind of hid behind Mattias when I caught him doing it. So we continued it after that night at Applebees. He started it, so I decided to finish it. I decided to ask him to go out to the bar with me after a game. So I waited, and when he came out afterward and saw me standing there waiting, he gave me a huge smile, like, his entire face literally lit up like he was genuinely happy to see me, and was like, "HEY!". For once, I was actually able to get him away from Mattias (his best friend, but more like his siamese twin as they were never seen without each other.), and Mattias held back to sign some autographs for the little boys that were waiting back there with me, and so Dick and I made it down to the edge of the driveway behind the arena where Mattias's car was, without Mattias. I was surprised. But anyway, I asked him if he wanted to go the bar with me and he had said that he and Mattias (of course!) were going to McFadden's after the game the next night and I was welcome to go with them. So I was planning on it, but then he came out after that game the next night and said he didn't feel good. (Gee, I wonder why, it was like, 20 below and he comes out with no coat on! We're not in sweden anymore, Dick!)

So I never got my bar night with Dick and Mattias. So I had planned on asking him for a rain check, but I never got a chance, because I could never find him in the concourse long enough to ask him. He was always either with Daniel's girlfriend, Hanna, or Mattias's girlfriend, Josie and I certainly wasn't going to ask him in front of them (although whether or not Josie speaks English is beyond me - I know that Hanna does). So I had decided that I was going to wait until the Great Skate at the end of January, and ask him then, to scope out a little bit, make sure he didn't have a girlfriend and whatnot. Well, he comes out after a game one night a couple weeks before Christmas, and me and my mom and Kathy noticed that he was carrying his equipment. We found it a little odd that Brad or Jake wasn't carrying his equipment, and that he was carrying it to Mattias's car, especially since they played at home the next night. I commented "That looks heavy" and he replied, "It is' then proceeded to put it into Mattias's car and run across the street to the Bella Visa, without even looking at me. When he did look at me, it almost looked as if he felt sad. Normally, he didn't avoid looking at me and was actually glad to see me, but this night, I didn't know what was going on and I started to get a bit suspicious. The question I should have asked was, "Why are you carrying your equipment, isn't that Brad's or Jake's jobs?" but I didn't.

Well, a couple days later I was at work and Kathy texted me that Dick had gotten suspended. I asked why and she told me that all it said was that he had walked off the team. After hearing that, it explained why Dick had walked out that Friday night carrying his own bags. He was leaving right after he went to the bar with Mattias and Josie. Even Mattias, his best friend, couldn't talk him into staying. What's worse is that he left without even telling the team, which was why he got suspended. I still sort of blame myself for this. Everyone could clearly see what was going on between Dick and I, most especially Mattias, Kathy and my mom. They weren't blind to it,and I know Mattias and Dick talked about me (In Swedish of course) every night. Perhaps if I had said what I should have said, if I had asked him why he was carrying his bags out, perhaps I could have at least convinced him to tell the team, to tell Coach Fraz and Kenny Holland that he was homesick and wanted to go back to Sweden, then at least he wouldn't be in as much trouble as he's in now. But then, if Mattias, his best friend, couldn't talk him out of it, would I have been able to? I could have at least tried. One of these nights I am going to pull Mattias aside and ask him why he didn't tell me what Dick was planning...maybe the two of us could have tried to talk him into sticking the season out. Maybe, maybe not. One could only hope. But, we could have at least tried.

The sad thing is, now Mattias will barely even look at me. It's almost like he blames me for his best friend leaving, even though Dick had been planning to do it all season. Or rather, maybe he doesn't blame me, but maybe he is just ashamed to look at me because he knows what Dick and I were getting at, where we were going.

I miss him, but I am angry at him. I never expected him to do that. That's the closest I have ever come to having anything with a hockey player, other than Jiri, but Brad had to get in the middle of that one. Dick and I did this on our own. All I can say is, I hope he returns next season but if he does, he has some serious explaining to do. He saw where things were going, he could have been man enough to tell me himself that he was leaving. But he wasn't, and that, more than anything, is what disappoints me.

More later,


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