Jan 26, 2007 12:13
So, I went to bed rather early since I am always too tired on my MWF because of a 8am/9am class combo. Roughly, around 11:30pm, I attempt to sleep, but it's a stuggle. I wake up hearing someone vomitting in my bathroom, and in Read, we share these "johnettes" in between rooms, so you can get to it through my room, or the room next to me. I glance over at the bathroom because I realize the sound of this girl's vomitting is much louder than if she came from the other room. Sure enough, some girl had came in my room to vomit in my bathroom. I guess I left the door unlocked. At first, I just thought it was Nickie since she had gone out for Thirsty Thursday. I was going to get up, but then I see Nickie come into the room and give the girl some water.
And, because I went to sleep with no one around, I went to bed in just a shirt and underwear...pretty minimal, so I didn't feel to comfortable getting up to see what was going on. Nickie saw that I was awake and started apologizing and telling me to go back to sleep. I look around and see the tv is still blaring at an annoying level, so I sit up to sacrifice my indecent ass to turn it off, and at this moment Jordini, our floor magician, stops to see what was going on. So, I just roll back over and bury my body under my covers.
Nickie turns off the tv for me, and sits down, leaving strange drunk girl in the bathroom. She tells me her name is Becca, and she just drank too much. No shit, I think. Turns out, they went to some frat party, and Becca didn't know her limit, so some guy was taking them home when she started to get sick. The guy freaks out because he's driving a Mercedes he shouldn't be driving, and he makes them get out at the library and walk the rest of the way. Ass.
Well, I make Nickie pull a trashcan next to our chair, and let Becca just vomit there. No sense in keeping our suitemates awake, and I'm sure laying on a bathroom floor is quite uncomfortable. Then, Carolyn, one of our floormates, comes in and asks Nickie if she wants to order some breadsticks. They order it, and then Carolyn leaves and texts her that she is going to bed. Then, she comes back in with breadsticks, Nickie gives me one, and then we both go to sleep.
Every 15 minutes for 3 hours, I would hear Becca convulsing in our trashcan. And, then my alarm went off at 7:20am, and I start to get off my bed, but then, I think, fuck it...I deserve to sleep through physics. So, I set my alarm to 8:20am. I wake up and say fuck it again...I deserve to sleep through stagecraft too...and set my alarm to 10:15am. By the time I actually got up, I was more tired than if I would have gotten up at 7, and I only had to get up because I had a chemistry quiz, which I'm sure I aced.
Moral of my story: Lock the door and wear headphones when sleeping.