"You're just a ninja waiting to happen."

Jul 19, 2005 21:59

"Burn the bush, flush the john, vote for Nader!"
"...what the hell is that?"
"A song I made up."
"Just now."
"...But the election's been over for a long time."
"yeah I know, but it's clever isnt it?"

Haha, Alex T is awesome.

So today Leslie, Sue, Pam, Alex G, Alex T, and I went to Bluff Point. I took Cappy, Alex G took Cookie, Sue took Gus, Pam took her mom's horse, Alex T took Baby, and Leslie took Rufus. Pam might break up with Jimmy I think, and she said she's staying in CT after all. Yay! Doesnt matter, because if she tried to leave again, we wouldn't have let her. She was the only one riding in a western saddle, it was a little amusing.

Anyway we rode along the trails for a while and then went to the water. Cappy was the bravest even though he was by far the youngest and least experienced there, and went into the water after only a little hesitation. (WAY more than I expected from him.) He went in deeper than any of the other horses. He fell into an underwater trench though, and that was pretty scary because he started to panic. Then Baby flipped out.

But I lived!

(so did he.)

So then I took him in deeper and we actually went swimming, that was a lot of fun. Then I got off of him and he pulled me along as he swam. I had to be really careful not to get clipped by his hooves though. He only got me once on my foot, didnt really hurt. I was soaked though and didnt have a change of clothes. Alex's extra pair of pants didnt fit me because shes a size 0. We left around 9 am and didnt get back until around 3, and after we took care of the horses Alex T and I just goofed off for a few hours.

When I got back I went and took care of the whitehead animals and took Killian for a walk. There were two skunks in this person's yard that I didnt see until I was like 4 feet away from them. They were mating. Killian started freaking out. (skunks are pretty cool looking way up close.)

On the way homeI saw somebody's mailbox was open, and so, being a klepto, I saw a package in there and looked at what it was. It said Amazon on it so I was like "aw sweet, a book!" It turned out to be the new harry potter book....Yay? A little part of me felt a little bad for taking it because the kid that lives there is mentally retarded. But what the hell's he gonna do with a book anyway? I'll appreciate it way more now than if someone bought it for me or I bought it myself.

I kinda gotta cut the stealing thing out though. Because half the shit I take I dont need anyway, I'm just an opportunist. But I always use and appreciate it. *shrugs* Maybe I'll just finish reading it and put it back in their mailbox. That'd be kinda funny.

Yeah yeah, I'm going to hell.

Drew, where the hell are you?! Call me mofo.
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