Jul 14, 2005 16:31
I found this too amusing not to save.
dabigbucker: desease gurl
Reset Mae: never.
Reset Mae: :)
dabigbucker: ur ugly
Reset Mae: oh?
Reset Mae: interesting.
Reset Mae: thats not what you said yesterday.
dabigbucker: this is his brother
dabigbucker: and ur ugly
dabigbucker: and nasty
Reset Mae: do you even know what I look like?
dabigbucker: yea i waz rite there when he first started talkin to
dabigbucker: u*
dabigbucker: ugly
Reset Mae: wrong
Reset Mae: sorry.
dabigbucker: so u think u look good?
Reset Mae: oh yeah. I'm like hilary duff.
dabigbucker: lol
dabigbucker: wow
Reset Mae: lizzie mguire is like...sex.
Reset Mae: I have no idea how you spell that.
dabigbucker: well
Reset Mae: just like you.
Reset Mae: oh baby.
dabigbucker: no u dont look like then
dabigbucker: ha ha
dabigbucker: ur cool
Reset Mae: I know!
dabigbucker: send ur pic again
dabigbucker: ima double check
Reset Mae: yes sir.
Reset Mae wants to directly connect.
dabigbucker is now directly connected.
Reset Mae: ooonnneee second.
dabigbucker: mhmm
Reset Mae: you want the same ones i sent yesterday or different ones?
Reset Mae: whaaaatever, here you go.
Reset Mae: (insert picture here.)
dabigbucker: ugly
dabigbucker: lizzei miguer noooooo
Reset Mae: dude! it was sarcasm!
dabigbucker: dude?
Reset Mae: yes. dude.
Reset Mae: unless you're lacking a penis.
Reset Mae: are you lacking a penis?
dabigbucker: i have one
dabigbucker: a very big one
Reset Mae: good!
dabigbucker: haha
Reset Mae: (insert picture here)
Reset Mae: and theres another!!
dabigbucker: are u gothic
dabigbucker: i like gothic gurls
Reset Mae: nooope.
Reset Mae: used to be.
dabigbucker: o
Reset Mae: look, boy who thinks I'm ugly! here I am again!
Reset Mae: (insert picture here.)
Reset Mae: that was from a photo shoot. because I do modeling for agencies that like ugly models like me.
dabigbucker: u look like that gurl from that movie electra
Reset Mae: however, you ragging on my personal appearance makes me angry. Like this.
Reset Mae: (insert picture here.)
dabigbucker: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Reset Mae: and I havnt seen electra, so I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
Reset Mae: nontheless, here I am AGAIN.
Reset Mae: (insert picture here.)
Reset Mae: for your viewing displeasure
dabigbucker: yep:-X
Reset Mae: god, you might as well stab your eyes out with a fork.
Reset Mae: because I know this is terrible.
Reset Mae: by the way, how old are you?
dabigbucker: 16
Reset Mae: same age as me! what'd you know.
dabigbucker: o wow cool
Reset Mae: I KNOW. we're hip.
Reset Mae: got a pic, hunka hunka burnin' love?
dabigbucker: wat?
dabigbucker: nope
Reset Mae: hey guess what?
dabigbucker: wat
Reset Mae: moooooore pictures!
Reset Mae: (insert picture here.)
Reset Mae: we're on 6 and countin' babe, plenty more where that came from.
dabigbucker: lol
dabigbucker: ok
Reset Mae: got a fork ready?
dabigbucker: yah
Reset Mae: ok. good.
Reset Mae: prepared to stab?
dabigbucker: yes
dabigbucker: w/e
Reset Mae: (insert picture here.)
Reset Mae: ohhhhhhhh nooooooooo! sooooooooo uggggglyyyyyyy!
dabigbucker: u have a lil butt
Reset Mae: ew ew ew.
Reset Mae: ew ew ew.
Reset Mae: of course I do. I'm a skinny little white girl.
Reset Mae: (insert picture here.)
Reset Mae: and there I am....again!
dabigbucker: thats when u were goth?
Reset Mae: yeah basically.
Reset Mae: I was never really goth. but a lot of my friends were.
Reset Mae: so on a scale of -1 to -10, just how ugly AM I?
dabigbucker: -1
dabigbucker: lol
Reset Mae: buuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrnnnnnnn
dabigbucker: lol
Reset Mae: if I slit my wrists and tell mommy, I hope you can't sleep at night.
dabigbucker: omgsh
dabigbucker: ur scary
dabigbucker: plz dont
Reset Mae: and then if I died, I'd totally haunt you.
dabigbucker: ur sexy az hell
dabigbucker: i want u hardcore
Reset Mae: and from that point foward, the only girls you'd ever be able to get laid by would be over 300 pounds. with bad teeth.
Reset Mae: how hardcore boy!?
dabigbucker: very!!
dabigbucker: noo u look like carmen electra
Reset Mae: thats better.
Reset Mae: and that better not be sarcasm boy, or it'll be loose pussies for you for the REST of your LIFE.
dabigbucker: lol
dabigbucker: nooo
dabigbucker: i want u baby
Reset Mae: excellent.
Reset Mae: Now repeat after me.
Reset Mae: I am a deranged lunatic for EVER thinking Taylor is ANYTHING less than the SEXIEST thing I have EVER seen.
dabigbucker: I am a deranged lunatic for EVER thinking Taylor is ANYTHING less than the SEXIEST thing I have EVER seen.
Reset Mae: excellent.
Reset Mae: Now I have to go ride some horses.
Reset Mae: Have a nice day.
dabigbucker: lol
dabigbucker: u can ride mine
Reset Mae: Never.