So I actually got a little artistic tonight. I took that sketch I posted up from Sac Anime and tweaked it a little to iconify it. I'm still not done with it, though; I'm sort of at a crossroads. Don't know whether I want to deepen the blacks and leave it at that (one pass of gimp's Cartoon filter is what I have in mind - it looks really nice) or mess with it myself, turn it into lineart, clean it up and colorfill it. I had originally planned to invert the whole thing, making it white on black, but it'd need a whole lot of cleanup - and any way I can think of doing that, I'd probably need a tablet for.
All this artistic crap from a person who can't draw worth a damn.
Anywho, here's what I'm working with (under the cut - careful, it's big! I'm going to take it down to 100x100 when I'm done with it):
What do YOU guys think I should do with it?